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Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by COCC

  1. I sometimes wish that LB was a trashy reality tv show where we would fight over new songs and lfl would be the New York of the show
  2. You can share of ofc. Just let everybody have their own opinion without saying what is right or wrong. Not directly targeted at you though
  3. How about just enjoying or not enjoying the song without telling other people what to do, say and feel
  4. Did I yesterday say that the song is just cute and ok? Yes. Have I been listening to it on repeat since it came out? Yes. It grew on me a lot and I think it's actually a pretty solid song
  5. I love that website, it‘s full of officially released songs and there is not a single dick pic! Ben-approved
  6. Literally the same, I voted for him but didnt know how awful he is. Remove him, @Elle
  7. COCC

    Book Thread!

    One of my favorite books from last year. It‘s simply amazing. I‘m still not over it and hope they will make a movie or series out of it
  8. Why is it so funny. The way lfl made us discuss the purpose of LB, never has the forum been so shaken to its core Also: „LFL swears to leave and never return“ and then „LFL returns“
  9. Omg thank you so much for recreating it legend, this should replace the Mona Lisa in the Louvre
  10. I will never forget the dickpics and horny poems on that website dedicated to some LB members
  11. I‘m too naive. I see a new user with Ma as their pfp and instantly like them You came to the wrong thread
  12. My first days on LB. Little did I knew I would survive two more scat attacks
  13. The website hosts shutting down LB because of our posts but pretending it‘s because Elle underpaid 0.01 $
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