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Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by COCC

  1. and I‘m turning 30 in three weeks. What the hell am I doing, please send help asap
  2. What if he keeps the hype at this level and they chart on 98, 99 and 100
  3. @Diamantes WILD will gif the sh*t out of this thread and I'm ready
  4. They way I was rooting for Jack some weeks ago but then Mike stole my heart with a few sassy tweets
  5. Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, put that on number one of your manifestation priority list
  6. Fake a robbery, close the store and listen to the songs until the police arrives and then get caught, lose your job, pay a fine and go to jail, but it's totally worth it BECAUSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THREE DAMN SINGLES
  7. I'm getting "I will die as an underdog and my friends are rappers" vibes for the cover. So it will be her as Gangsta Nancy Sinatra walking down Skid Row
  8. So Ben said in an interview they are planning something that they might finally „be able to pull off“. Do you think he was referring to the triple singles? And that insider who said „I cant believe she is doing this“? Delulu me thinks there might be some more suprises
  9. Would love that, also an interview or at least an instagram story / livestream where she explains what to expect from the record. But I can totally see her keep a low profile like during the COCC-era.
  10. Text Book, Blue Banisters and Wildflower Wildfire yesterday before entering LB and destroying the discussion about Lana's background vocals on the Bleachers record
  11. This thread is a Zella- and Nikki-free zone. Thank you
  12. He can forever be the first to drag @Jack Antonoff is a God We change all the gifs to Mike-gifs We make a Mike-theme?
  13. I‘m pretty sure she‘ll use the two we have already seen. And the third will just have another basic filter. But who cares, I‘ll be streaming three new singles then, who even cares about the cover
  15. The news always come when I‘m about to go to bed. Every. single. time. Now I have to stay up and read all of your posts. Lana, do you even see this? Give us news in a more human way. Just let me sleep
  16. I hate DuaBoards. And where is Lana‘s Post
  17. What‘s that? edit: nvm i got it
  18. I‘ll take every Lana song I can except for DCA
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