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nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by AphroditeBaby in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
I don't mean to sound too genius lyricsy (because believe it or not, I had known about this phrase before the song came out ) but I always have two images in my head with that line (which is one of my favorite in the entire record)
White Tennis Shoe syndrome is the phenomenon of the mind making up excuses in order to procrastinate doing really important things essentially (it comes from an anecdote of Ayn Rand, the writer, coming up with excuses before writing, and right as she's about to start she realizes she never cleaned her white tennis shoes from last summer)
So Lana is maybe saying - embrace this lack of responsibility and carelessness (put your white tennis shoes on and follow me) because she and her lover are abandoning all material posession, attachment, etc. for each other. She will never sing again, he won't work another day, thats how strongly they are committed to this, or she wants them to be.
White Tennis Shoes are also very mid-Americana aesthetically, so there's also the possibility that she likes that. He's putting on his white, pure, clean tennis shoes and going with her on an adventure/journey, the next chapter of their lives together. The assumption is that he has a clean canvas that will at the end of the journey be painted/dirtied or filled in with the experiences they make together.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
My mom is actually Pamela Grant and she said that Lana's next album is being made completely out of wood. It's actually a visual album that serves as a tutorial for handcrafted birdhouses.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
he would literally put Christmas songs in all of her albums
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
Everything she shoots of lana seems to me like they just went out behind the garage and took like 4 pictures and picked whichever looked best from that. Which is frustrating cause I find her a lot better when she works with other artists. Maybe cause they're sisters they're more casual and don't push one another as much.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by renaissance in LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
Everything about this post is a huge no thank you x Chuck needs to get a job and stay away from her as a photographer because I'm not having her fuck up another album photoshoot like she did with both Honeymoon and Lust for Life. She's an okay photographer but her pictures are always so basic and amateur looking imho
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by derangedmanic in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
Saw Lana in Sydney yesterday and she started talking about her time living between North Burgen, New Jersey and New York and how she was dating Rob at the time and how he was known as the craziest one. He got a dragon tattoo on his back one day which inspired Yayo : https://twitter.com/bereavedbyyou/status/980783173264072705
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Lana also described Nirvana as "angrier jazz", I honestly think that Lana thinks that all genres are jazz
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by AphroditeBaby in Hopes for the Cherry Video
I just hope she releases it
On the other hand, The Love Witch is a next level feminist inspired film and Anna's aesthetic is very quintessential Lana femme fatale in my mind. I first heard of Love Witch from a fan-made video that used Maha Maha in it, and honestly, that song could've been in the film, its perfect. If they never collaborate on anything, I'll be upset.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in Hopes for the Cherry Video
Just play the audio of CHERRY and watch Kylie Minogue's Chocolate video with the audio muted and see how well they blend SEAMlessly with one another. A beautiful aesthetically pleasing sensual vintagey "Chocolate" type visual is what i imagine when i think of "Cherry"
//My celluloid scenes are torn at the SEAMS - CHERRY
Fragile SEAMS,I opened up too quick and all my dreams - CHOCOLATE//
PS : If someone could mashup Kylie's Chocolate visuals with Lana's Cherry audio it would make me The Happiest Girl in The Whole U.S.A
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by nevada darling in Lana Featured on Jonathan Wilson's New Album
Idk if this is of interest to anyone else, but I think the last track of the album, "Mulholland Queen" could be about Lana. Here are some lyrics from it that made me think of her;
You were perched up on the ridge of town
Will you sing the secrets in all 12 keys?
Baby, you're so blue and wise
The baby's breath in a crown-like shape
I'm lost as we drive down the canyon road
With your tender smile and your pretty little dress
With your jazz in your heart
To Topanga / As we hear what the masters have sang us before
There's probably more but my boy mumbles a lot so this is what I got so far. Anyway, it's a beautiful song (whether it's about Lana or not).
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Producer Chris Coady wants to work with Lana
He liked this tweet about her. He produced Beach House and Grizzly Bear's albums. Also did a lot of work for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Slowdive, TV on the Radio.
I'm posting this here so Lana or her team will see it and make it happen.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Lana in the studio with Jack Antonoff (+ follows a bunch of people)
when i see lana is working with jack:
when i see it's a marina collab:
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Can it be the other way round? Lana shoots someone with blue hair and marina shoots someone with half black half pink hair? Then the blue one then falls into a fountain and dies, and the black/pink one falls into a crowd of babies crying
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Instagram Updates
Um, can you take this Pizzagate 2.0 bullshit over to one of the silly conspiracy threads and not litter this one with it? Thanks.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Party Party in Instagram Updates
i'm not trying to write it off as a mental illness, but that's most likely what it is. a side effect of mental illness. i don't know what "train" you're talking about but, please enlighten us.
exactly. took the words right out of my mouth.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Lana's Broadway Musical: Discussion/Hopes
Something like The Love Witch. Dark, cult vibes, a mix of hippie and glamorous.
Also, if she is to be part of it, I'd hope it would be some kind of bar scene performance where she's just singing and putting everyone in a trance, and then all their drinks are spiked with LSD
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lana's Broadway Musical: Discussion/Hopes
Samantha Robinson is the ONLY actress that is allowed to play Lana
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by HollywoodHills in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK
@@Elle Let me just say this so that you don't read my posts as pointless insults cause I really do want you to consider these things:. Nobody even got a PDF file with what the book would have looked like even after all this time, no real apology (not that it would matter), he basically disappeared. He didn't even prove that the book existed in any form, just a few pages. You caught him out at a concert, right? So he isn't your friend if that's how it happened. Out of curiosity though, as you claim you're friends I'd assume you're still in touch, did he ever even show you any kind of proof? Anything? Did you even ask? How can you think he's genuine? If he's such a decent person where is he? If you're really friends and he's a "cool" guy why can't you say something on everybody else's behalf? And again, if he's a friend, I'm guessing he has the mental capacity to understand that you're just the messenger and that you aren't personally attacking him? He knows you don't have the nerve which is why you are "friends". None of this should have to be on you, that's why I don't understand why you would defend him in the past. Trying to see the best in everyone is how you end up in shitty situations so I couldn't help but roll my eyes when you said that. If he really was sorry it wouldn't be you telling everybody that, it's frustrating that you don't see that. I don't believe that this book ever existed. I really don't care about the £30 or whatever it was, it's the fact that the guy did it to so many people. Nice people, too. People who literally wanted to sit on their beds and flip through Lana lyrics, which is a really cute idea. He took advantage of people from the start. I wasn't annoyed at first but... how shitty is that? For the record mine was ordered as a gift to me from somebody else so it's truly not about the money, they were more annoyed than me at the time. What happened when you talked to him in person? Was it even mentioned? If you have his number you should really text him about it, and if there's no real response then no, you are not friends. Anyway... aside from all of this, as you're a moderator, maybe remove the [Pre-Order] from the title?
TL;DR - I don't believe that the book ever existed even as a PDF file.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by bunoner in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK
Has he really been trying? As far as I’ve heard the only people he’s refunded the money to are the ones that threatened with law enforcement and I can name a few examples. Btw if anyone here got scammed but not refunded, I urge you to do the same -
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by evilentity in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK
No, this doesn't come from "strength". Quite the opposite. It's symptomatic of a tendency to sometimes avoid even necessary confrontation.
Does he? Has he really? Didn't he live in the UK? Wasn't this show in DC or something? How much fucking money did he spend going to this show? How many people could he have paid back?
I think people are justified in judging your being publicly friendly with him.
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK
i agree, i have seen karma perform with my own two eyes
ill only forgive him when i see actual receipts of refunds, bc im pretty sure people did not ave him money for a Netflix account and christmas presents to his grandma. lmao has he even refunded your money back??
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
"Then the next morning they sent out the warnin, tensions were rising over country lines"
"Green is the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove, til it runs red- runs red with blood"
"Is it the end of an era? Is it the end of America?"
"Shake it up, throw your hands up and get loose, choreo
we just want the fuckin truth
Told by the fake-news"
"There's somethin in the wind, I can feel it- blowin in
It's comin in softly, on the wings of a bomb"
"Boys, don't make too much noise (on twitter) and don't try to be funny; some people may not understand"
not to mention the amount of times she's referenced the songs in correlation to political events and the turmoil, expressing how the entire album's mood shifted for a period DUE to the political climate....so
u sure about that
nutellafitzgerald liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
We did it for fun, we did it for free
I did it for you, you did it for me
We did it due to copyright reasons