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Everything posted by uvbabe

  1. Well good morning everyone! This is going to be a beautiful day! It is raining here in my city and I have classes during the morning and work during the afternoon so I'll be able to listen to Arcadia a bit later than everyone else but I'm sooo happy. Every Lana Del Rey Release Day is a blessing.
  2. Also I have mixed feelings because I love all of these songs (the ones we already heard) but I kind of wish we would get new songs. I mean... there are like five songs unheard left. AT THE SAME TIME, Living Legend is probably one of my faves ever and same for Cherry Blossom, Thunder and the rest. So? I don't know how to feel about it. Edit: Of course I'm not complaining because these are her songs and she can do whatever she wants with them. It's not her fault we already have them lol that's on us.
  3. I'm eating my dinner thinking about how much I adore Lana and cherish every aspect of her. I love all of her eras and all of her faces. I love everything she does cause it is always so genuine. She's truly a legend? Like a real legend? People will still remember her a hundred years from now, her mark will be left in music forever. Oh God, she will live forever.
  4. This was the less traumatic and stressful pre-release since Honeymoon we fucking MADE IT KIDS
  5. I mean she's got IT. She was born a songwriter / singer. Not every person able to sing can have her vision, talent and creativeness.
  6. Yeah I love the album honestly but... you are right.
  7. Shit I just came here to say she looks beautiful on that selfie and... a lot more is going on in here
  8. God I'm actually against having songs we already heard a thousand times in the album BUT living legend is one of my favorites EVER and I would be sooo happy to *officialñy* have it
  9. Do we know at what timezone Arcadia is going to be released?
  10. Guys what's going on? I've been super busy lately. Catch me up? What do we know FOR SURE from reliable sources?
  11. wait I saw it on twitter but I thought it was fake are you guys telling me that this arcadia thing is FOR REAL?
  12. These lyrics are sooo early LDR I think I'm gonna cry from joy
  13. The song sounds dreamy. I can't say shit about her cause I love her with my entire life.
  14. Omg all good news. Especially the name change. It was going to be the worst name and worst title track. Thank youuu.
  15. Hello sisters, what's the tea? What do we know? What are the latest hottest news?
  16. I don't even know what this album is anymore. If it is an album at all
  17. June 1st is so close... I love it when she give us a date that leads to nothing. It's so much fun!
  18. I mean, we are talking about a person who used the same picture for three different singles
  19. So the three songs grew so much in me. Especially WW, she sounds so hurt, desperate to be understood, like she really needs to be heard. She makes so many promises throughout that song and I know she meant them all.
  20. I miss her. Will she ever talk to us again?
  21. I'm obsessed with the way she says "it's strange but it's true DARLING" in WW. She rarely uses that voice and I always loved how it sounds sooo much.
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