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Everything posted by uvbabe

  1. God I'm having the worst time of my life so I'm so thankful right now!
  2. I'm crying cause our Mother truly takes care of us. She knows we are trainwrecks holding onto her music like it's our only resource for staying alive.
  3. At this point shes just playing with you all. I'm good cause I don't give a shit about covers and stuff as long as the music is good
  4. So based on what some insider said supposedly we should be getting something this week? Or next week?
  5. I think UV is Lana's Erotica. Yes, thats why it is the best one.
  6. No Madonna slander will ever be tolerated anywhere! Hoping for some Erotica energy (know it won't happen but Lana could work it)
  7. I would love a FMWUTTT or MPG moment. Satirical, controversial. I'm a die hard believer that if somebody accuses you of being / doing something hateful, you just have to give them what they want and turn into that exact thing. I mean, if you say I'm a nasty, gold digger slut then I might have to be the nastiest gold digger slut you have ever seen so you can talk with a goddamn reason.
  8. Lol this so messy but I'm lowkey here for it. I think she has her reasons to be mad / pissed off and last year I was kinda glad she finally talked about it after so many years, I just wished she did it differently. I hope she learnt a thing or two, cause she did mess up, but still I want her revenge.
  9. funny how people were saying that this song made them feel nostalgic about something they never lived when this song came out. Now we feeling nostalgic NOSTALGIC
  10. I love how this song unite us all to agree it is a timeless masterpiece that changed music forever.
  11. I get chills everytime I listen to this chorus I mean I'M WILD I'M FREE NO MAN CAN HANDLE ME I WRITE I SING! FREEDOM'S MY LOVE GOD IS MY KIND. She wasN'T playing
  12. The way she always tops herself. Truly amazing.
  13. The bright side is that this time she gave us some dates that are not too far so we have to wait only one month to our first disappointment and two to the second. We got this!
  14. I love that window picture so damn much for no reason.
  15. I just don't want it to be like LFL. I'm not down for Lana going hip hop, especially if there are many genres involved in ONE single album, so I'm joining the jazz manifestation group
  16. This relation seems like its the REAL DEAD IM SO HAPPYYYY FOR HER
  17. I was scrolling down twitter and catched the video in the part she's standing against the wall and for a HOT second I thought she posted Ride mv for some reason!
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