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Everything posted by ileftthisacchoneys

  1. 1. Let Me Love You Like A Woman 2. Chemtrails Over the Country Club 3. Waitress (White Dress) 4. Dealer 5. Stubborn 6. Kool-Aid Addicted 7. Breaking Up Slowly (feat. Nikki Lane) 8. Tulsa Jesus freak / White hot forever 9. My Melancholy Blues 10. Did it all again 11. The Window Tears 12. Free Willy 13. Dearest (ft. Zella Day) 14. If this is the end 15. Find America I would absolutely love it if TJF and WHF were two songs in the same track, like Imagine Dragons' "Nothing Left To Say / Rocks"
  2. just listened to fever! i didn't like the instrumentals that much but the song is overall so sexy, that made me like it
  3. My Melancholy Blues by Queen! The jazzy piano instrumentals give me a lot Honeymoon + NFR vibes, and the lyrics are like you mashed up The Blackest Day with but i have it (hope). I like to imagine the "Body Electric" persona singing it, but accepting that they got hurt. By the end, Freddie says he's "in the news and just getting used to his new exposure", so... yeah, I'd say it matches Lana so much, specially in this era. btw I've made a video edit of Lana with that song, inspired by her old homemade music videos. When I get the time, I'll post it in the "Video Art" topic. https://open.spotify.com/track/11l4zkv331BNC1FJlH27gO?si=YEhAtG2SR7eH90mt6Zj4nQ
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