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Everything posted by YourGirl666

  1. Should've been on Blue Banisters
  2. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Dressed Up White Carolina Candy White Dress vs French Restaurant
  3. @bigspender I love Dealerrrr tho. That's why I hate song rankings, it's just so hard
  4. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Banisters vs Betty Boop Boop
  5. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Banisters vs Honeymoon
  6. To those who got the CD, are LL, CB, NOTG different from the 2013 versions? Is Arcadia the video version? Does Beautiful have strings?
  7. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs Disco
  8. YourGirl666

    Song vs. Song

    SOC vs IYLDWM (if you listened to it) or Sad Girl (if you didn't)
  9. Can't wait for LDR9! When do you guys expect her to release it?
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