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Pink Flamingo

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Everything posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. Let's hope the mf who stole the hardrive was not aware of who they were stealing from and they know nothing about the music/photos/info in it.
  2. what a bad day 2 be a lana stan
  3. No new music from her has leaked, not that we've noticed. I feel like she saw something online that we didn't.
  4. She said she will release the album anyway
  5. The way this song was gonna help go through the dryness of not knowing anything about LDR9 and now I'm empty handed and disappointed.
  6. We deserve some LDR9 info to heal this mess, but I feel (I'm sure) we won't get any this week cus of Midnights release week.
  7. I just listened to the song with headphones and Lana sings in the second verse, but her voice is too buried to notice it, if I didn't know it was a collaboration I wouldn't even distinguish Lana's voice, then she has that part that says "like snow on the beach" anyway I still think the second verse should have been Lana's.
  8. THE THREAD IS HOT HOT!!! Winter in the city, Somethin' 'bout this weather made these kids go crazy IT'S HOT!!!
  9. I feel like to some extent this song was meant to be solely a song written by Lana and Taylor, but at some point Taylor asked Lana to sing background vocals to put her on as a collaboration and give her free promotion. I'm not trying to justify the situation, I'm still angry.
  10. I love Folklore and Evermore so much, but I... don't know how to feel about this at this point. You guys, being serious it's very likely that it was Lana the one who wanted it like this. There's no need to talk shit about Taylor or blame her for something we know nothing about cus we don't know how the process of making this song was. She's praised Lana so many times. Anyways, we lost.
  11. I watched many videos of people reacting about this collab and they went nuts!! Let's wait for their dissapointment
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