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Pink Flamingo

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Everything posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. The way Taylor has promoted Lana way more than her own management team by talking about her in interviews is sending me💀 I hope this next album to be an actual era with real promotion.
  2. I think BOZ was referring to someone specific and not to the whole fandom. I think asking someone about information isn't wrong, it's the way you do it that's wrong and I guess someone was rude doing it. Likewise, teasing/insinuating that you have information about an artist is undoubtedly going to get the attention of the fandom... and you're going to have to deal with things like that (in no way is harassment for information justified).
  3. I wanted to move when I received the Honeymoon notification, but I knew it was about Chuck's birthday.🤡
  4. A summary of what we have seen so far. 1. Jack, Drew and Jon (maybe Mike Dean, cus he said a few month ago that he wanted to keep working with Lana) are the possible producers of the album. 2. BOZ said he heard a masterpiece of an album and can't wait to talk about it in a few months. 3. BOZ praised Jack and said he is a genius when he gets it right. 4. There is a collaboration with FJM (Confirmed by BOZ and it is "fantastic" he said"). 5. Neil Krug seems to be in charge of the photoshoot of the album. 6. Lana is supposedly going on tour (Deuxmoi). 7. GPSOTSOMFWHDSF was an acronym posted by BOZ that may refer to something related to LDR9. 8. Rockerfeller SNIPPET 9. Wordy and angry album Maybe I missed something, but that's all I could remember.
  5. Where did he post the acronyms? How did he/we confirm he was praising LDR9?
  6. Neil's comment can mean two things. 1. The Photoshoot is ready and Neil is teasing it. 2. They are just about to meet to discuss/take the photoshoot.
  7. Are we moving? Lana commented on Neil's post and he said see ya soon
  8. I think I'm buying Deuxmoi's post where he said there would be no single this year, let alone an album at the start of next year. I lost hope.
  9. I can't believe this thread has been hot for 4/5 days and there's literally nothing happening, the insanity.
  10. My LDR9/X dream being part of the page 700 has to be a good sign👀
  11. I had my first LDR9/X-related dream. I just woke up because I have to go to university, but I'm going to tell you what I remember. Unfortunately the context in which I heard a song related to the album is because ten seconds had been leaked and it seemed that Lana had already announced a first single (if I remember correctly, there was no news about the album yet. No date, no cover, no tittle, I hope I'm wrong. This ERA was like another NFR situation.). As for the song, it had nothing to do with COCC or BB, this one was more uptempo and had strings and drums, it sounded beautiful, unfortunately I forgot the rhythm. I really wish I could remember the lyrics, dreams are easily forgotten.
  12. Stop manifesting a post on honeymoon, let's manifest it on her main
  13. 14 minutes ago, one minute to go, you guyssss
  14. Can anybody post the tweets where BOZ praised jack and talked about a masterpiece of an album.
  15. The thread has been hot for three days and there's literally nothing happening, unemployment here is huge ( me included )🤡
  16. I had a dream where Lana announced her new album on her main account.
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