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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. a win and a lost for me. Sadly, July 4th might not happen but at least it will be a "beautiful album" according to Ben, so exciting to see new alterations for this record. Lana has so many things to say and a delay is understandable. (pls not another NFR pre-release situation, my heart can't take another one) Manifest a plot twist: LDR8 out this 5th of September 2021 (a 2020 make up from Lana)
  2. omg hop on the Delulu train quick bitches. *Insert Vroom Vroom by Charli XCX*
  3. from Santa Monica Sinners to Santa Clarita Sinners was such a groundbreaking development. The level of delulu magic. Btw, both of them are iconic song titles.
  4. Rainbow, we're still in Pride month bitchessss
  5. Team Delulu (definition): type of stans who hear "yes" when BOZ says "no"
  6. i actually don't hate Jack that much tho, i mean, why does he get so much hate? :'(
  7. Awrighty, now back to the my LDR8 wildest dream: Manifesting at least a roast-track dissing the media that smells real crimson red-blood like In My Feelings & Fucked my way up to the top. C'mon Lana, category is: REVENGE
  8. oh yes i forgot, right onto my Delulu train, sniffing my Delulu powder, again. Even if the Delulu's gone i'm gonna drive
  9. I hope it's November, so that i can enjoy LDR8 along with Red (taylor's version) at the same time. Ugh the FEAST
  10. Maybe. anyway, put ur red dress on, put ur lipstick on. On ur knees and start praying, drawing circles, summoning ancient Gods, whatever my luv
  11. Just had a vision, that Lana team actually reached out to BOZ and convinced him to deflect all the Lana stans at any price, so BOZ said there wasnt any album coming but in fact, everything's still in control, 4th of July is saved, the album is still coming at the end of the day.
  12. SalvaWHORE

    Song vs. Song

    White Dress Guns n Roses vs. Summer of Sam
  13. Guys. I have a feeling that we will get the album as soon as we reach 1,2K pages on this thread. Manifesting...
  14. i still have hope, just saying. #BlueBanisters out 4th July #TeamDelulu
  15. time to use your witchcraft and leak it on dbree sweetie
  16. manifest an Azealia Banks collab. Blue Jeans Remix was so iconic #GangstersNotDeadIRaisedThem
  17. drowing myself in endless delulu pool of LDR discography tonight to accept what happened.
  18. Kinda late to the debate of this foreseeable "meltdown" that we apparently suffer one way or another due to another delay, here r my quick thoughts: - Was Lana herself unprofessional? Yes she was. But for me, if this "delay" is for the better, then I think i'll go with the flow. Yes, i am disappointed, but it's still our Lana at the end of the day, I am not trying to find an excuse for her wrongdoing, I just express this opinion in a compassionate aspect because Lana for me is like a family member i never had (spiritually). I love her that's why i believe she's the only artist that deserve my understanding and compassion (even tho it's getting quite annoying at this point) - and because i know the last thing she wants to do is throwing at our faces a half-assed, rushed / cash-grab project. As i always said, i trust her vision and always want more (as she always keeping us wanting more in her very own way). I'm just praying that this will be less than a year delay (still traumatized by NFR pre-release times, it was worse cause i didn't even know a thing about this forum :'( i don't even know a single Lana fan to keep shits up with), 3 months or even 6 months if she has to. It'd be so nice if she is able to release this album before 2021 ends, still manifesting another Lana's career define moment by releasing 2 albums in just a year ^^ But at the meantime, I just sit back and enjoy her beautiful discography that she delivered in the last amazing decade, at least LDR8 still remains a mystery, that's what makes it interesting and highly-anticipated. (Still sniffing delulu powder everyday and manifest a 16-track album, once again lol)
  19. sorry false alarm. My internet was trolling :'( Damn i gotta stop sniffing too much Delulu powder
  20. Guys. I don't know if anyone has noticed yet, but the headcover on her youtube channel disappeared. What is it all about?
  21. Manifesting a David LaChapelle album artwork #sniffingDeluluPowderTime
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