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Everything posted by Ultraviolencequeen

  1. God I hope it’s critic friendly only because I don’t want people to tear her down anymore. are there any reviews that come out early?
  2. Yeah I’m the biggest NFR fan. I personally feel like jack and her are a dream combo and is helping her grow and discover this amazing size of her so I’m excited for COCC.
  3. So overall, did jack serve better production in your opinions on NFR or COCC? I personally LOVE his work on NFR. Cannot wait a second longer to listen to COCC
  4. I’m curious for those who’ve listened to leaks, are you guys certain it’s HQ/proper? Like I know people have mentioned abrupt track endings etc and I wonder if that has to do with leak. Just a random curious thought!
  5. God it’s getting so hard to not listen to leak. Lana plz do something to distract me from caving
  6. Is album out at 9 pm LA time? I have plans for that time for the album release and it better not be midnight
  7. So If I’m a NFR and ultravoilence girl will this album be my fav thing ever ? as much as I wildly adore the other albums, I feel my soul has outgrown them a bit
  8. It’s funny how the insta clip makes it sound like a total pop-y simple Track, so I’m excited to hear the real thing on blast
  9. That makes sense. I feel like when I first heard cinnamon after playing the clips on repeat it was quieter than I thought for some reason? Then I adjusted to it, Lol. Can’t wait to hear it. It’s going to be a fun one for me to listen to for sure!
  10. I’m so curious how Tulsa Jesus is going to sound and reading everyone’s descriptions gets me really excited. My brain is trying to guess where its gonna go because all I heard is the cat meowing clip
  11. Everyone's coming down from their high and getting quiet and I love it cuz I still haven’t listened to album so I have less fomo
  12. Lanas says March 21 on iTunes still BUT Bieber also says 21st so I’m thinking it’s a glitch!
  13. Okay caved a hint more and listened to BUS after loving and only playing WD all day. Didn’t think I’d like BUS much that’s why I chose to listen to it before rest of album.
  14. They’re untraditional that’s for sure but if you’re understanding of the emotion and story telling of the song you get it. There’s no better way and could have sung it for the song, IMO
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