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Everything posted by Ultraviolencequeen

  1. What sings from this album are most similar to nfr? Huge nfr fan so I mean this in positive way for anyone curious
  2. I wonder if she’ll make a comment on social media. Part of me feels like she’ll act like it didn’t happen, which is her current promo status. also i wonder why it’s THAT bad if fans listen to leak- all the people taking time to find shady leaks and download them and listen are true fans who will also be playing on repeat on release day, and have already bought ten vinyl variations. I feel Guilty listening to album so haven’t yet but I don’t think it’s end of world for her numbers or business
  3. The worst part is that it’s Bieber fans trying to spread the leak. But I’m not perfect cuz oops listened to WD.
  4. We should consider the fact that maybe Ben forgot to tell Lana her album drops 19th- Like legit maybe she doesn’t know
  5. Joni tagged Lana in something so I think it’ll wake her up from her slumber and she’ll go on the IG app and decide to post white dress teaser
  6. Manifesting her 100 percent not posting a single post today Manifesting no white dress at all, removed from album!
  7. Can we do a mass manifestation mediation in 5 mins where we all visualize her going to her phone and posting a snippet of white dress
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