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Posts posted by Bonita

  1. 16 minutes ago, Writer In The Dark said:

    Omg! It's from BlackoutZone on ATRL:


    "We might avoid the delay, but expect album title change AGAIN :dies: 


     I'm glad I didn't say too much earlier, cause she removed most of the originally planned songs" 



    I knew she would change the damn title no fucking way she'd keep Blue Banisters as an album title

  2. 11 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

    Someoen’s prob already said this but I can’t keep track of the fan theories, but anyway what if Blue Banisters was a “leaving Oklahoma and romanticizing about returning to California” kind of record?


    I wouldn't say romanticizing but more of her going back to the way she was. The lyrics on BB detail that she did all those things - her being on a John Deere and being in Oklahoma - because she either lost herself loving him or just wanted to feel closer to him. She was ready to leave LA with him on LMLYLAW and it really seemed like she loved that dude. So yeah it's even evident in BB itself, this album is about her finding herself again.

  3. Here's the deal... I think everyone should focus on the stories she's telling in these songs. I know a lot of you aren't fond of the direction she's going with this record but it's just surreal that she's sharing her story with us this way - and evidently a lot of people resonate with the narratives too. Whether it's healing from a man who promised her a life, looking for someone to fill the void of her father, or her promising to never turn into a natural disaster, these are just huge topics (and some of many discussed in those songs) within themselves that aren't really discussed in most music today except maybe Blue Banisters but the way she portrayed the story in that song was so beautiful. I personally relate with the singles and they released at a time I needed stories like the ones she told to help me through the shit blunder I was going through - and seeing your favorite artist do something like that is just so cool and I'll forever thank her for that. I just have a feeling that this album could blow NFR! (which I regard as The greatest :hooker: album of all time) out of the water if she continues with this direction and don't worry - if it's something that Lana proves time and time again she always comes through we WILL get that synth masterpiece on LDR8 ladies and enbies! Though for now I just hope this album releases I highkey want it to blow Chemtrails away as the superior record this year even though I adore that record. I also wanna add that releasing a lowkey album like Chemtrails is a smart decision from her because after a career high (NFR!) - if you just keep going higher the fall won't be as great. Thanks for reading. :$

  4. I'm keeping my hopes high for the album but the best produced track out of the three is God Book

    and I hope we get more of Zach Dawes and Dealer :excited:


    Anyways I'm sure the album after BB is gonna explore a new soundscape since she's working with Mike Dean (and yes I know some are disappointed with WW but keep in mind that he didn't do much work on BB anyways and Lana probs told her what she was looking for) but yes besties let's hope we get news soon :wub:


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