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Everything posted by barttttender

  1. I would pay good money for her to go back to Krug's cover, witch Chuck and Charlie photos in the booklet. And then if she wanted to include her friends, he could have taken pictures of htem as well and had it as part of the album artwork. I just don't understand what compelled her to choose that awful cover that she chose.
  2. Yes! One more amazing track like White Dress or Wild at Heart, would have propelled this record to, like, my second favourite of hers. But Jack had to wrap it up, so it is what it is. A 50 minute running time would've been so much better too.
  3. I feel ya. I used to love just sitting at my desk and writing. Now I write advertisement for money and feel so burnt out and just want to go back to those simpler days. The song is perfect in the way in which it makes you rethink your life and when you were happiest. You look fit though - so at least there's that:)
  4. I love that. Most of her albums are a bit bloated. NFR would've been better sans American Record, and Lust for Life in particular could've dropped at least 3 tracks.
  5. Thank you. OMG, the Violet theme is so much better. Someone should make a Chemtrails one.
  6. Who's posted a review? Can you link to it? I'm interested to know what the critics will say about this one. I'm assuming a 7.5-8 on Pitchfork, and a 7 from Fantano. I don't think it'll reach NFR heights, but definitely a good score.
  7. 100% Venice Bitch, West Coast, Ride and then White FUCKING Dress! It's so good. One of her greatest songs ever.
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