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Everything posted by ShadesOfViolence

  1. I wonder what she will explore sonically, the soundscape that she's never done before, on this next album.
  2. Is this thread the longest pre-pre release thread by far?
  3. and after the album drops, she'll be #1 surpassing Ed Sheeran
  4. Do we think the only thing that caused the single got delayed is the Queen's death? I, myself, give this a chance because of her ultra sympathy for the monarchy <3
  5. I want her to ad-lib more in this album and use them as a background vocal too, we all know she can use her angelic ad-libs with diverse style for instance the outro of million dollar man or lust for life(demo version)
  6. she just posted another story that has nothing to do with the album and I'm not even mad at this point, i got used to it
  7. THIS!!! Our baby girl is now radiating MILF energy as its finest. You can't expect her to sing on the next album!!!
  8. I'm foreseeing new reliable infos tomorrow amen
  9. Based on the curtains she posted, I believe "Fine China" is confirmed.
  10. the queen gave us everything but new music info
  11. "HOT ASS COFFEE, HOT ASS DAY" She quotes Wildflower Wildfire too
  12. the girl got sinus infection yet still drinks ice water, queen shit
  13. I fear that she hadn't even made an effort to specify the aesthetics of the album as well as you did this on this post. She's been lazy about this kind of issues lately. I hope I'm wrong tho.
  14. hope is a dangerous thing for us clowns to have- but we have it
  15. that's not her, we all should stop being delusional
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