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Three White Butterflies

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Everything posted by Three White Butterflies

  1. Brite lites, boom like that, behind closed doors confirmed!
  2. Omg she still has the horse topiary
  3. summoning @Diamantes WILD to restore joy to the thread with their magical gifs
  4. god could you be ANYMORE MISERABLE??? You literally only use this website to complain and give your shit takes. You are the only one who is constantly whining and complaining when no one agrees with you. we are more than happy to tolerate anyone's opinion but acting like a negative asshole and being rude / offensive just because you don't like something is immature grow the fuck up and go somewhere else (:
  5. not people complaining that lana has run out of ideas when she just released one of her most critically acclaimed albums like 5 months ago.
  6. sweetie I think you’re the one who needs to take a break because you never say anything fresh or compelling.
  7. my fakey fake 1. Blue Banisters 2. Arcadia 3. Wildfire Wildflower 4. Back to Alabama 5. Text book 6. Highway Legends 7. In Magazines 8. Thunder 9. Echoes in the Canyon 10. When The World Was Ending At Least We Had Each Other 11. Dear Elizabeth 12. Easy Rider 13. Six Trips to The Moon 14. Diamonds and Rust
  8. The only confirmed upbeat song on Blue Banisters is BOOM LIKE THAT
  9. please explain in MLA format how any of the songs you think should be there would fit on Blue Banisters luv.
  10. you've got a thunder bird my daddy had one too let's rewrite history i'll do this dance with you
  11. SO LIKE what if this just ends up being her version of the "unreleased songs album" the scrapped songs get pushed to her next project she's working on with Mike Dean. And then she releases American Standards and Classics TRIPLE ALBUM COMING !!!!!!
  12. imagine lana going on live and asking us what we need what we want what we wanna know IN THIS DAY AND AGE OH MY GOD
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