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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. pastor interlude has changes to going viral on TikTok. i wouldn't be surprised if it had nice streaming and had more streams than half of songs on album
  2. not yet but BoZ revealed she changed many times songs titles so maybe she forgot she changed title
  3. honestly Sweet and Margaret are going to be underdogs of album. Grandfather song is "oceans of tears" type song judging by beat, The Grants is invite, last three tracks are unhinged bops trinity. i think that Fingertips are going to be single cause how many times Lana mentioned this track isn't coincidential and she has tendentions to put as singles her favourite tracks. hidden gem of the album is Kintsugi obv. that's my prediction view.
  4. i really appreciate caitlin marie that she didn't pause songs and often listening them without stopping but if she's doing that she gives disclaimer and apologies "sorry but i must stop at second"
  5. strange that he didn’t wore sunglasses during beat like he's used to wear them during songs which making him feeling like a boss
  6. if you complain even to A&W, i don't know what you want to hear and what she could do to please you
  7. with every song i have feeling that lyrically album is going to be what Lana mentioned in QFTC but mixed with vulnerablity and fragility.
  8. this was so amazing i got heart attack double during transitions. one of her magnum opuses i fear
  10. palemoonbaby


    where is energy?
  11. the most talented musicans like her father has tendentions to flopping (unmanifesting this tho). sad and brutal but true
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