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Everything posted by palemoonbaby

  1. proper era in years is coming we know that something is gonna turn to be messy anyways
  2. she didn't knew when she said in 2011 "choose your last words" that it’s gonna be directed to her industry artists 2022 albums
  3. i think she's gonna open album with piano ballad but with new elements and after that beginning going into wild road
  4. looking her posting album teaser containing beach lushy holiday aesthetics mixed with cold dark eerie b&w californian mystical aesthetics with her singing in dark rock uv background: you said the devil never cries, you lied if the devil never dies, why am I?
  5. pre-order with lead single coming at midnight
  6. SZA and Lana cutting our throats at the end of 2022
  7. black background means atmospheric dark death metal ambient album
  8. talented, brilliant, spectecular, amazing, show-stopping...
  9. she literally said 2022 can't be finished without my words
  10. i don't think she's gonna use other unreleased tracks than YTH or LYTAN. all unreleased after 2012 she loves was released on newer projects. 800 is coming
  11. title album track serving literally "he liked jeans so i'm gonna wearing dresses and skirts" energy yaas queen, slay
  12. i heard that Lana is going to be on @Surf Noirnew album called Not Jeans Girl Anymore. i can't wait this album cause it is highly influenced by 90s/00s music, Britney, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, 00s mess and craziness, childhood, singing and pretending superstar in own room, thoughts and things in your mind during trips to Taco Bell and walking with earphones in uggs through the woods. collab is apparently called Lipstick Pussy and it’s probaly one of highlights new album perfection is coming
  13. i'm savage like a lion in havana na na na seven diamonds rings in ma fingerina na na na kiss me more under pale moonlight if you want have more give on me more sight feeling gansta, on the pole, feeling sexy give me flex, in the pool, i'm extra extravaganxy
  14. i have driving license for 4 years and i never drove lol. if i watch somebody driving, honestly i don't know how i pass the exam. vision of accident, killing someone is for me like i rather drive with someone or if alone driving in train
  15. i had a dream today kinda related to music but not completly she announced that album is coming in first half of 2023 and she wrote that she spends sometimes free time at helping doctors of LGBTQIA+ military ofc she posted photos dump like posing with doctors with rainbow flag, photo from one of surgeries, photo from Dyke Day, cats, skies, plants, Rob (why this sounds like what she could do)
  16. my theory and predictions says we gonna get album in march or april
  17. watch Rockefeller and Plastic Bag turning to one and the same song
  18. - BoZ probaly heard album - it has Father John Misty collab and it's apparently amazing - 3 months ago she posted snippet - the rest our delulu, manifestations, speculations, fake insiders and posting funny things nothing important happened, only deaf silence, bestie
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