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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. lana stop posting pictures of your friends challenge
  2. mama i'm believing this for now just for the delusion of it all but when i tell you NONE of the songs that we already know (except maybe thunder) resembles, reminds, sounds like or even bare semblance to paradise... only if she scraps or reworks these songs, which i find very impossible
  3. i really want blue banisters to have a trailer, maybe that's the next move for the album?
  4. wait but this is so perfect with the violins and everything??? why can't jack do something like this for lana
  5. i think she's still making the album imo, she scrapped half of it and i don't see her just adding unreleased music, even though we already have 2 unreleased songs on the album and the good part is if she's currently making new music, that would explain her guitarrist being on studio, so we can expect our little eletric guitar thunder text book album
  6. y'all need to stop putting the "blame" on everyone but lana. SHE is also a producer in her tracks. SHE tells her producers what she wants the album to sound like. SHE has the control over her art! ultraviolence came out the way it did because Lana and Dan fought many times and a lot of the production decisions were made by him instead of her, so LANA was the one who wanted the sound to be more stripped-back and SHE wants the sound to be more stripped-back now. ballads with other producers have been fuller in sound? yes, but because SHE wanted to. and we can see now that in this new era the songs are mostly stripped-back ballads because she wants to, NO MATTER THE PRODUCER.
  7. jack is doing an interview with fantano, so i probably assume he's going to get asked about lana (and potentially his involvement in BB?)
  8. Honeyyoung


    no but the way the chorus has the EXACT SAME melody as WAH's, and the instruments sound like they're the same as wild at heart as well... this fully sounds like a COCC bonus track
  9. well thunder does have electric guitars in it, unless she removes them
  10. "Over the past year, Antonoff has heavily contributed to [...] multiple Lana Del Rey projects." i don't think that means we're getting more things from him, because 1. Jack didn't say that, Billboard did. 2. We know most (probably all) of the Jack tracks on BB were scrapped.
  11. were any of you in that twitter space? maybe they spilled some tea
  12. we should have an insider that gave us riddle/puzzles info, i wasn't in here when the white dress acronym thing happened but it sounds so much fun, we should have more of that in different ways
  13. i'm looking forward to transitions in this album! she should've had a full transition album for a long time ago, i could see ultraviolence, honeymoon and NFR! having seamless transitions that would really make sense
  14. it's not like production isn't rich now, just approached in different ways. COCC had multiple instrumental details and i still discover them once in a while, just because the production feels intimate instead of "grandieur", doesn't mean it's not well thought out
  15. didn't they get married tho? are they having a divorce? WHERE'S THE LANA AND CLAY RELATIONSHIP TOPIC ??
  16. we are gonna get 2 albums in a year, probably having a minimum of 21 songs in just a year, who cares in 2/3 of them are unreleased? we're still being HIGHLY fed in terms of music i think we should concentrate this energy on wanting era-related things more than music-related things. sometimes we just need magazine shoots and interviews, music videos, album trailer, tv performances and different ways of promoting the album and lana staying active with us
  17. i agree with this but i don't think they broke up, anyways this topic is literally none of our business and honestly i think is so weird that people expect and hope that lana breaks up with clay and stops being friends with nikki lane, like are you trying to make her life sadder? and don't even start on people who want lana sad because she "made better music when she wasn't happy" some of these comments and opinions are not healthy at all
  18. as6 is a really good season! so refreshing from as5's disaster. kinda sad the lipsync assassin format is back, but without it we wouldn't've gotten that AMAZING performance and entrance from queen Laganja Estranja. ep3 is my favourite till now
  19. girl that's from the 90's no wonder why she said "not sure about those second to last chords" lol
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