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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. billboard magazine created a chart for records coming out in the next month, and both Rock Candy Sweet (June 1st) and Blue Banisters (The 4th of July) are listed!
  2. FOR. REAL. we never got to see a """""sexy""""" side of her besides the gods and monsters MV, and i wish she would take that ideia for a future work, especially with her current body, it could help lots of people with her current bodytipe to feel more comfortable
  3. her revenge is having all that rock candy sweets and not sharing them with anyone. her mind>>>
  4. ok so rock candies are these types of candy, and then i guess the "sweet" it's just the way of saying candy in british english... so it's like the album name is lollipop or something, i like it tbh
  5. eclipse and BOZ need to step in FAST so we can all go delulu again
  6. it's totally valid for people to not like her current work, but at least put some respect on the people who worked on it. you can't praise mike for clapping back at people who say WW is trash and then proceed to say it sounds like it was made at garage band when it probably took a lot of time to get to that dirtorted effect.
  7. i want her to do something completely different. an artist never repeats an era, so i don't think i would like a BTD 2.0 or an UV 2.0 since she's working with mr dean, i think it would be cool to see her doing something more electronic? futuristic in a way? lots of synths and percussion, an 80's fliperama vibe, kinda like after hours. i would also DIE for an RnB album, she honestly could be capable of giving us some slow twerking bops, like the latest Kali Uchis record. whatever it is, i think it would be important for her to step out of her comfort zone! since nfr i think she has found her 'perfect sound', but it would be nice to see a change.
  8. i really think that 7 minute track that mike dean posted is something w/ lana plus just because they were 3 ballads (and i don't even think TB was a ballad) doesn't mean that the whole album is going to consist of piano flops even COCC is different from NFR, and we got a brand new sound with tracks like TJF and DBJAG, she's delivering
  9. she deleted the TJF snippet and we still got it on the album... i don't think this deleting thing means something
  10. she was just singing in WW, she said she yells in Dealer btw, do we think there's any lyrics at all in Dealer or is it really just her yelling?
  11. am i the only one that hears this or in 3:24 of text book, like it's ruffly cut? it sounds like she took a breath before singing, but they cut it in the middle of it??
  12. this. if ultraviolence was going to be produced today, i'm 100% sure we wouldn't get the sound we got back then, because now she has complete control over what she wants to do with the production
  13. ok now you're just inventing things to think lana's recent work is bad
  14. not yall forgetting the existence of COCC MV when it's literally top 5 MV she has ever done minimum
  15. well NFR still has a grandiosity to it, i'm sure you can listen to the VB instrumentals and see that it is it's own thing, COCC is meant to be stripped-back, and well, we still don't quite know what BB will sound like, honestly. i didn't care for the COCC singles, specially LMLYLAW, but i really loved the album as a whole. maybe she's not that good at picking singles anymore IMO
  16. i don't wish she breaks the tradition, i wish she changes the title of the album and give us a proper title track opening
  17. never said that, just wanted to point out that it feels like even when he thinks the song is good he still needs to say something bad about her work, like criticising WW's lyrics. i have nothing against him though, unlike 90% of this forum
  18. is there a leak/snippet thread in here? i wanna hear them so bad
  19. even when he likes the tracks he still has something to criticize, my god
  20. could you imagine the serve it would be if she changed her hair color to something crazy like pink or blue
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