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Posts posted by Sportscruiser



    She’s so unhinged omg. I love this woman.


    Ive been one of Chemtrails’ most ardent defenders (I absolutely adore that album and it was the perfect soundtrack to a relationship that has now ended but that will be forever tied to Tulsa, Not All Who Wander, etc) but the more I know about this album the more I see it as the definite NFR successor? It’s crazy because I cherish Chemtrails so much but thematically I see it as an extension of NFR’s themes and the rite of passage to the next chapter of Lana’s artistry: more violent, more direct, more abrasive.


    This is gonna destroy all the alt girls. I can almost feel Taylor frenetically going through the lyrics of the album to find inspiration for her next album Red Curtains :sass:

  2. 8 hours ago, Writer In The Dark said:

    "My body is a map of LA"
    "My chest, the Sierra Madre"


    "Arcadia, all roads that lead to you as integral to me as arteries
    That pump the blood that flows straight to the heart of me, America, America"

    Her mind... :oprah2:



    Wait I’m lost. Where did those last lyrics come from?

  3. 1 hour ago, archiemm said:

    page 1600


    B=2 L=12 U=21 E=5 -40

    B=2 A=1 N=14 I=9 S=19 T=20 E=5 R=18= S=19 -107



    -7 (seven studio albums)


     60 days from march 19th (CoCC) = may 18th


    significance of may 18th u ask? 

    on may 18th joe biden said the us would send 20 million doses of the covid vaccine overseas. generous, no? what else is charitable? lana making a song with miss lane. how many letters does nikki have in it? 5


    the initial 7 from 1+6 (page 1600) combined with 05 (the year lana started her real music career + nikki lanes name) make 705


    CoCC's significance? a reccuring letter ------> C

    that gives us 705c


    baby pink has the pantone code of 705c









    This is genius omg :cryney2:

  4. I live in a world where Halsey released a much better album than Lorde. 2021 is so fucked up, man.


    i am not a woman, i’m a god is pure excellence. Can you imagine Lana working with Reznor/Ross? I would die.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    It's not inherently bad but how do Thunder and Cherry Blossom fit with those three singles and how do all five (and whatever else is on there) tie together to "get revenge" and all the other stuff she hinted at?

    I mean you can give her the benefit of the doubt as to her vision or whatever, but the simple fact is that it's just not looking very cohesive rn. Especially because we know she has changed it so many times.


    Maybe she rewrote the tracks? She did it with NBAR and it worked, so…


    I apologize in advance for repeating myself but I still think that using the changes of the album as an argument a bit pointless, in my opinion. We got to know that through an insider and I understand that may seem to look like she has lost sight of her vision but I prefer to see this as a natural step in the process of perfecting said vision to its maximum potential. I’m quite positive this happens a lot in art, specifically in music - maybe the artists behind some of our favorite albums go through this before finally putting out their projects. I don’t think that’s a sign of her having no clue of what she wants to say until proven otherwise, when the album is finally released.

  6. 2 minutes ago, sjatib said:


    This is kinda confusing for me. So, we're in a forum where we all form our opinions on her music and artistic behaviour from the info we get (be it insiders, leaks, herself or whatever) but it is wrong if I form an opinion once we have the info -which, by the way, I dont get to decide how gets to us- just because that opinion is quite critical regarding Lana's ways to make this last album?


    If your complain is about the leaks, the insiders and all of the unofficial sources that inform the discussion here, I'd recommend you to go and work for them to dissapear, or anything else. Go argue with people who's asking for leaks or for insider's info (which I dont happen to do, none of that). As long as I have zero to do with security fails on industry music, I will proceed to keep respectfully participating on the dialogue here, as any other member from the forum does, building a point of view towards the info we get as long as we get it, as any other member from the forum does.


    And about "raving the album to heavens" or not, be sure I'll be as critical as I want towards it once it comes out, no matter how "biased" you think my perspective may be. 


    What are you criticizing exactly? When it comes to the ways she’s creating this album?

  7. 21 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Yeah some of that I agree with, but if I were an artist I’d definitely not release a new album with songs people have already heard regardless of how they’ve heard them. It would be better to do an unreleased album as she suggested years ago.  So it’s not her fault no, but it’s still a poor idea and misjudgment on her part. The name changes are still a shambles in my eyes, like I’ve said before she shouldn’t have mentioned them but it is what it is..this is how Lana operates random, chaotic and indecisive.


    Personally I’d not turn this on to fans being disrespectful,  If I didn’t know anything about the album from insiders I’d still criticise the leaked songs being on the album so it’s all irrelevant really.  I know it’s disheartening when artists you love get criticised and some of it may seem unfair but it would also be boring if everyone said they love everything and praised her endlessly.  With any musician it’s just the norm that info get’s leaked and people have opinions about it. 


    It’s her narrative. She gets to choose how she gets to present, modulate and live it. 


    I for one can’t imagine how it feels like to have a good chunk of your output out there without you being able to control how and when it leaked. For her to be repurposing songs from her past with the clear intention to reclaim her narrative and delve into her past and present, it’s nothing short of spectacular. The least we could do is show some respect. We are a very invasive fandom. Abrasive even, at times.


    We have no idea what other titles Taylor Swift thought of before coming up with Folklore. We have no idea if there was any back and forth in the tracklist of Abel’s After Hours. Did Ariana use any of her old demos to repurpose it/them into something that makes much more sense in the life she’s leading right now and gets to blossom in a full circle musically speaking? I personally have no clue. But we know most of these things when it comes to Lana and 90% of them are facts she never indeed shared with us/the world. For us to throw a fit over unreleased tracks that shouldn’t ever be released without her permission is incredibly arrogant. She’s been violated as an artist plenty of times. Let her take authority over her narrative the way she wishes to.


    This isn’t to say she hasn’t been kinda unprofessional and irresponsible. The Rock Candy Sweet announcement, the release dates that never happened, the postponements… All of that was unnecessary and immature. However I’ll draw the line at seeing her fans criticizing her for tracklist back and forths or decisions to include tracks from years ago. That’s her decision as an artist. It’s her process, not ours. Period.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    or disco with the same lyrics and more :dua: really get em talking 


    Disco has such a creepy Nirvana-esque sonority to it... and the message of not caring and assuming herself as her only god-like figure fits entirely the mood of unapologetic soft revenge vibe she's going for. Who do we have to sacrifice in order to get that song on the album? Kacey Mustygraves? Baldsey?


    Wild One would also be f*cking amazing (one of my absolute fave unreleased ever!!) but wouldn't it be too close thematically to Wild At Heart? I'm not sure she would release something that similar...

    I just checked the Wild One youtube video and saw the amazing artwork, very Melodrama-esque:




    Can you guys imagine if we got something like this with Lana, as the cover??? I would die.

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