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Everything posted by bluechemtrails

  1. Now also #2 in India and #1 in Russia on iTunes: https://kworb.net/itunes/artist/lanadelrey.html
  2. a short soundcheck from my local radio station: https://www.radioeins.de/programm/sendungen/soundcheck/albumtipps/blue-banister-von-lana-del-rey.html Tomorrow evening, the album will be reviewed in detail on their broadcast.
  3. The song isn't as well known as it should be, so maybe she can push it that way.
  4. Top 3 on iTunes in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore https://kworb.net/itunes/artist/lanadelrey.html
  5. just for info: bb video is currently ranked #6 in the worldwide youtube trends https://kworb.net/youtube/trending_overall.html
  6. I'm also excited to see what happens around the release of the album. The media will report on it worldwide, Lana will be in the headlines everywhere. People who otherwise know little of her will hear about it. I'm curious to see how they will react.
  7. She smiles only because she is just having a happy time with her "sisters": Her pain is already washed away or under the surface and she doesn't show it. But if you look closer, she is also thoughtful in some moments.
  8. It looks like she has found peace with herself. That is very good!
  9. BB now has the second highest user rating on the AOTY website: https://www.albumoftheyear.org/ratings/user-highest-rated/2021/ Can we improve it?
  10. The video fits the story well. It's like a faded memory of beautiful days with her sisters ... I like the beginning best, when the camera zooms into the picture on the table and it comes to life.
  11. So BB finally gets it's highly deserved video, I'm really excited!
  12. No, it's still a big circle (206k followers) of random fans. But I'm glad to get all the updates from other ig accounts that follow her, so I don't miss anything.
  13. LanaBoards needs https, at least for login! It's very unsafe to send your password uncrypted over http.
  14. She probably has a lot of stress this week and next, the uncertain success of the new album, the TV appearances, the upcoming reviews and then these false rumors. If she accidentally does something wrong, that would only be understandable. Anyone would lose their nerve at some point in such a situation, whereas she hasn't done anything so unpleasant yet but simply defended herself.
  15. I also like her play on words, which she spreads again in this album. There's a lot of subtle humor in it:
  16. I feel a lot NFR vibes in this album, so I think Chemtrails was something like a sortie and BB is actually a continuation of NFR.
  17. I am very curious how she will appear and perform. Her last photo was a few days ago and she is a quick-change artist. Will she look like in the last Arcadia video or completely different with a new hairstyle?
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