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grandpas glass

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Everything posted by grandpas glass

  1. Carrie (1976) vs The Godfather (Part I)
  2. Beautiful like her mother. I always associate Sofia Coppola with The Godfather and that was one of Lana's favourite movies.
  3. actually she wouldn't flop today, if she would sing like in trailer days
  4. the fact that we didn't get any "coming soon" message yet. what does this mean?
  5. (the kind of music I grew up with in the 90s )
  6. it's still doing good with over 900k daily streams, but not as good as SYTH, which is more than one year older
  7. Rick hasn't forgotten either. https://www.instagram.com/stories/ricknowels/3459455273768045368 It's the only time of the year when he posts something.
  8. I'm particularly excited about the Southern Gothic elements. That actually means that the album will have a certain creepy factor.
  9. when the album has a rework of ITTJ called I Talk To Alligators I go back to Louisiana Take a look at my life What the fuck happened here? I guess what they meant when They paid the price
  10. I kind of think it's a moral question, but what's more important is the moral question of whether women should be forced to have an unwanted child that will affect the rest of their lives. I think that weighs much more than ending the life of a still unborn clump of cells without real consciousness. I also think that what they call "pro-life" is actually misogyny in disguise. Conservative Christians still see women as sinful and evil, who should atone for their "sins". The Catholic Church has always denied women many important offices. It is hard to believe that such backward views are still held today.
  11. this sounds like someone hit the 'generate fake lasso info' button
  12. 4. She has her pride (and the right to be treated first class)
  13. grandpas glass

    Taylor Swift

    I know, I just think she expressed herself a bit laborious. But apart from that, her post was superb.
  14. The song might be good enough to be released regularly one day (I hope).
  15. grandpas glass

    Taylor Swift

    "I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice." You don't need to do much research to find out that you shouldn't vote for Trump. I mean, hasn't she noticed anything at all in the last eight years?
  16. grandpas glass

    Taylor Swift

    this guy is so far offside
  17. Trump would be much worse. He's 100 % pro Israel. For example he accepted Jerusalem as Israel's official capital during his last reign.
  18. Lana's country is maybe not the kind of country you think of. There's probably just a pedal steel guitar somewhere (like in Mitski's My Love Mine All Mine) and that's it.
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