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Posts posted by DZKSLEFTNUT

  1. 9 hours ago, longtimeman said:

    Well I cracked and listened to the leak, and although I might save more listening until I have the CD in front of me, I'm going to take this chance to bow out of being around here. I really don't need to hear a bunch of dumb takes on songs expressed by children. I do want to give a shoutout to Eclipse, though, for proving with his opinion of Kintsugi that leakers are great at reading emails that aren't intended for them, but generally don't know the first thing about life or music.

    Shouldnt you be at work providing for your family if we’re such children compared to you (most of us are 17+)? You got hungry kids to feed at home! Anyone can like what they want… music is subjective… period.


    That being said. Kintsugi is the best on the album!!!

  2. 1 minute ago, Telomeres said:
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    feeling like songs from BB and DYKTTATUOB could have been put together to make one really cohesive album about her family, karmic lineage, the kind of 60s songwriter vibe and the sound she explored with summertime/textbook/thunder/DYKTTATUOB


    and then a full album of slut pop :brows:


    No because the BB section would ruin the album :blush3:

  3. Spoiler

    Album Review!!!



    1. The Grants: 9/10


    The song is amazing. I love the sentiment behind it and the lyrics. Hot take I think this Lana’s voice at its smoothest and pretty much one of her best vocal performances in my opinion. Really evokes an emotion!


    Ranked #9 on the album overall 

    2. Did You Know…: 9.5/10


    Flawless, amazing, groundbreaking. One of her best. It takes me back to NFR almost. I absolutely love the linear progression of the song. Again, one of my favorite vocal performances of hers!


    Ranked #6 on the album overall


    3. Sweet: 8.5/10


    It’s cute and fun! I love the lyrics a lot! The choruses melted me, and I love the melody of the end of each chorus when she goes high. Not a fan of the “I’m sweeeEEEeeeEEEeeet” part though.


    Ranked #11 on the album overall

    4. A&W: 10/10


    This song… is… fucking… phenomenal. In my opinion, this is the Lana song I have been craving. I love the vulnerability and the very dark tone. The unexpected shifts, the absolutely heartbreaking 3rd verse was a shocker for me, really felt for her. 

    Ranked #4 on the album overall 


    5. Judah Smith Interlude: ?/10


    Cute bop to listen to by the pool in the summer. Makes me wanna go skinny dipping. No but really, I actually thought it was interesting. It’s obviously not going to be on rewind but I loved the instrumental underneath it.


    Ranked #15 on the album overall


    6. Candy Necklace: ERROR

    It’s massive and very euphonic!

    Ranked above the interludes on the album overall


    7. Jon Batiste Interlude: ?/10


    Meh. Ok! Another interlude! Cool production and I love the random shouting it really gets me going!


    Ranked #16 on the album overall


    8. Kintsugi: 10/10


    Wow. I’m amazed. The songwriting is Lana at her peak. The emotions she evoked were HEARTBREAKING. So dark. Loved it. I don’t know how to form my thoughts into words about this song. 

    Ranked #1 on the album overall


    9. Fingertips: 9.5/10


    GORGEOUS. I love how lyrically open Lana is. This is her rant track. She really let it all out in the softest, most poetic way possible. Amazing. Just something I don’t foresee myself replaying often, not because of the quality of the song, just the fact I do not connect with it a whole lot!


    Ranked #7 on the album overall


    10. Paris Texas: 6/10


    K… whatever. Very boring. I like some of the production towards the end but I find the song extremely boring and lame and I literally am a piano Lana fan over her old stuff. Meh.


    Ranked #13 on the album overall


    11. Grandfather: 10/10


    Yeah. This one of her best songs of all time. The second I heard the sample I knew. This song is so lush, full, amazing. I love the lyrics. The vocals are PHENOMENAL. Easily on of the best of all time.


    Ranked #2 on the album overall


    12. Let the Light In: 10/10


    Two 10/10’s in a row? Making up for the shit that Paris Texas was. AMAZING SONG. FJM and Lana sound amazing together! Its a very very cute song that I see myself playing at my wedding. Just such a feel good song which I always love from Lana even though they’re quite rare. Also, loved the production and the melody!


    Ranked #3 on the album overall



    13. Margaret: 9/10


    Cute! I love the lyrics its a very cute song similar to that of Let the Light In! I enjoyed the production a lot and enjoyed Jack’s vocals ON THE CHORUS. Sir, that verse. Started off promising but the end??? Get your sinuses checked out and pop some mucinex before going in that studio again and open your lips a bit more when you sing.


    Ranked #8 on the album overall


    14. Fishtail: 10/10


    Well fuck. Holy fuck. Sexy. Hot. I’m suddenly sweating naked in my bed? Amazing song, loved every bit of it. Love love love.


    Ranked #5 on the album overall (I foresee it rising)


    15. Peppers: 7.5/10


    Cool sample. I enjoy the lyrics. It’s just way too repetitive for me. But I still enjoy it.


    Ranked #12 on the album overall


    16. Taco Truck x VB: 9/10



    I liked this a lot! I enjoyed the Taco Truck part and related to the lyrics heavily (crippling nicotine addiction)! I loved the first half, and really enjoyed the second half. It just felt like Venice Bitch copy and pasted lyrically at the end though so it just doesn’t feel very fresh and exciting like I had hoped.


    Ranked #10 on the album overall (I foresee this changing once I get used to the VB sample)


    Overall thoughts:


    I think this album is coming to take the cake for me. Chemtrails is my favorite; and this easily outdid Chemtrails for me first listen. Chemtrails took some growing whereas this is great off the bat and I foresee it growing to the point where it’s my favorite!


    🚨Overall Ranking after first listen:

    1. Kintsugi: 10/10
    2. Grandfather: 10/10
    3. Let the Light In: 10/10
    4. A&W: 10/10
    5. Fishtail: 10/10
    6. DYK: 9.5/10
    7. Fingertips: 9.5/10
    8. Margaret: 9/10
    9. The Grants: 9/10
    10. Taco Truck: 9/10
    11. Sweet: 8.5/10
    12. Peppers: 7.5/10
    13. Paris Texas: 0/10
    14 & 15: Interludes

    ———- Barrier ————

    Candy Necklace: ERROR


  4. 9 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

    Nobody's offended, @MJx and I merely critiqued a lyric due to our own personal experiences during the pandemic and you all chose to get defensive instead; here's your medal of honour for fighting Elizabeth Grant's battles :clapback:

    Not all of us are fighting FOR Lana. Not even fighting. Just pointing out how it’s kind of dumb to dissect a song lyric that isnt even that deep acting like she doesn’t care about Covid or som.


    Like in MJx’s experience one being uncomfortable makes total sense, but to all of a sudden make this whole thing a statement and jumping to conclusions is totally unnecessary.

  5. 1 minute ago, Enco said:
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    I don’t get why yall are preparing for her to get cancelled over lyrics like…who cares what a bunch of sjw’s think. She is making the music for herself and us .


    No exactly. The only people I foresee getting mad at this are people on Twitter who have nothing better to do than whine and make everything a political statement and get offended by everything.


    The only thing I can see is someone, like a user in here, who actually lost someone to Covid, or was heavily impacted by Covid in some way, being uncomfortable with it, but at least they’re being realistic and not making it some outrageous statement. Like they have every right to be uncomfortable with it.

  6. I think she was just making a hot lyric about current times. No political intention or anything bad behind it. I don’t think it’s really that deep to where we need to dissect it.


    I don’t think she’s saying she is afraid of covid.


    I don’t think she’s saying she doesn’t care.


    I don’t think she’s being careless. Its just a lyric

  7. 4 minutes ago, Fingertips said:
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    Someone who isn't at least somewhat flippant about the Covid-19 pandemic wouldn't want to get Covid or put themselves in a situation where they can get Covid in general because they wouldn't want to spread it to other people. So yes, she doesn't care that she gets it, and by extension, other people. 


    I don’t think it’s really that deep honestly

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