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Everything posted by queenofsaigon89

  1. . . . Queen is and always will be Freddy Mercury. Adam Lambert brings nothing new to the band.
  2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYAEa286/ the only visuals we’re getting for a&w
  3. https://umusicstoresupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/6354052745239 sizing for the T-shirt/hoodies x
  4. can you try ordering from the UK site? It's still available here.
  5. someone said earlier to size up, but I don't have the jacket so cannot confirm if that's true.
  6. Purchased the lighter and the necklace from the UK store just now!!!!! Thank you MOTHER for feeding me today
  7. that's what I'm thinking too. Maybe they realised how much interest the merch is gathering and are producing more before it drops? anyway - if she could drop it on the 28th once I get paid that would be lovely.
  8. I ordered it before it dropped and got the same email. Just checked my previous orders and it looks like it’s just their standard email template. You should be ok, if you got the email and they took your money, you’ll get the issue
  9. honestly even Beyoncé charged $100 for floor tickets in London. I really don’t understand Taylor’s pricing strategy.
  10. nobody seems to want the white vinyl in the UK, it’s still easily available and never sold out. 🙃
  11. At this point I might do a diy project and make it myself Definitely buying the lighter though
  12. Was just about to post a link lol. Will wait for the reviews to come in and I think I will order it from there as I can chose between silver and gold...
  13. I'm ready for the etsy merch to drop before Lana ever releases hers.
  14. Watch me refresh lanaboards and the website later on at the concert I'm going to if the merch doesn't drop by 7pm GMT
  15. she could have made it stainless steel + real pearls. Pearls are really not that expensive. And I guess it would justify the $85 price tag. This will be coke necklace 2.0 in regards to shitty quality (couldn't wear it cause it would break easily). Will I buy it? Of course...
  16. I have made it through the night without the merch dropping/getting sold out. Mommy Lana you better drop it later today though, thank you.
  17. Lanasita, can you please hurry your cute ass and drop the merch now! I'm running out of wine here and the shops are already closed around me so can't get more...
  18. I think the picture is black and white. The hardware on the necklace is silver and from description we know it's gold plated.
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