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Everything posted by inanna

  1. inanna

    Alexandra Savior

    I'm SO tempted to listen but I'll try to wait till the 14th <3
  2. inanna

    Alexandra Savior

    I can't believe the wait is almost over
  3. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    My Sharp Objects (not mine)
  4. inanna

    Ethel Cain

  5. I was able to fix this problem changing the site settings like Elle explained after realising I had to do it for both the http and https versions of the website. Go to both URLs and switch Insecure content to Allow. If you only enable it for the http version it won't work In Chrome: chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=http%3A%2F%2Flanaboards.com chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Flanaboards.com In Microsoft Edge: edge://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https%3A%2F%2Flanaboards.com edge://settings/content/siteDetails?site=http%3A%2F%2Flanaboards.com
  6. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    Then why don't you post it in r/ethelcain?
  7. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    She has a story highlight titled resources still available on her insta. I can't believe some people are being judgmental of a literal child who was raised in a religious family for not being in favor of abortion.
  8. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    We shouldn't trust any of them.
  9. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    Someone claiming to have inside knowledge said Hayden knew one or two pages back.
  10. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    IF she really joined a Discord server with a bunch of teenagers, IF she knew they were underage, and IF she sent unreleased songs to them... Why? Why would she do something so stupid? It'd be out of character to say the least. She didn't want minors in her own Discord server, so she removed them from it; her Instagram account is restricted to minors because she doesn't want them interacting with her; she tried to restrict her Tumblr too (but Tumblr doesn't have that feature). If this is true she has to rethink her life choices. But I'm more inclined to believe it never happened because it's too weird to be true.
  11. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    here you go https://krakenfiles.com/view/Hm2or6DrWK/file.html https://pillowcase.su/f/5df997cda81fbdc873d1af30dfb264be
  12. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    When she still had her Tumblr account, she said the B-sides "EP" was around 1 hour long... So yeah, I'd call it an album
  13. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    wasn't this supposed to be a secret?
  14. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    why don't you ask her for the files, weren't you besties? didn't you say you were both laughing at someone you argued with some time ago?
  15. inanna

    Ethel Cain

  16. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    i wonder if she ever heard of the streisand effect
  17. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    do you have info we don't? what do you know?
  18. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    The updated Daughters of the Chapel playlist includes Fishtail by Lana. So I guess the controversy about if Hayden listens to Lana or not is over.
  19. inanna

    Alexandra Savior

    I need AS3 like RIGHT NOW, it's been so long
  20. inanna

    Ethel Cain

    She had pages taken down from that wiki in the past
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