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Taco Truck x VB

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Everything posted by Taco Truck x VB

  1. i spent ages reading this whole thread, this was so interesting.. i love how loads is still a mystery !!
  2. ugh yes. a few days after it released it snowed in my area and it was in my head i played it while walking through the snow in my local park and it was an ethereal experience, obviously it was empty and i was screaming the lyrics like a madman but i see it as quite wintery
  3. i’m going through the subreddit and jesus christ they are so fucking slow and behind, headache material. i really want to wind them up
  4. i spent hours deep diving into some old threads about lizzy’s drug abuse and exes and freaked myself out, but i’m so glad she’s doing better. going from all the shit she went through in her past and she really deserves everything she has now, i appreciate her even more now. and just want to give her five i just want her to be happy. i hope this gets critical acclaim because she truly deserves it.
  5. i love the atmosphere when KINGsugi comes. whoever you are, you bring this thread to life in a drought
  6. i’m just wondering why she would put x VB in the title? when she’s sampled herself before? it must be bigger than we think..
  7. okay since you’re all hating on the one thing that got all of us through the hellish NFR pre-release, i doubt she will directly use just a part from VB.. i think it will be like a sample with added instruments to it? i can’t remember which insider said it but there’s electric guitar 100% so it makes sense that it must be from where the song progresses a little ? surely? but i think it would hopefully be added instruments on top of the sample????
  8. sorry, just practicing for friday. when a&w gets surprise released
  9. wasn’t arcadia supposed to be the tt of BB?
  10. i don’t know how people have the willpower to leave lb for a day.. as soon as i leave it for a couple of hours EVERY time something happens.. title track dropped, titty was posted w tracklist, kintsugi spilled.. a girls gotta frantically refresh it
  11. sorry, i didn’t mean to reignite this stupid thread
  12. oh dear.. what did i stumble on
  13. omg literally. i am loving the chaos in this pre-release, and it’s not like NFR where it was just never ending i will miss it when it’s over because nothing tops the pre-release; the delulu-ing, the excitement, the hype, the LIES, the insiders, the CHAOS, the fighting
  14. lana announced a second album, ‘Holding my breath until I can think of a reason to breathe, tired of the Americana dream’ apparently it’s got loads of electric guitars. we won!
  15. the way i don’t care about any of them thanks for the effort though
  16. i mean, to me i don’t really care if it’s even mentioned in the song.. like ‘tulsa jesus freak’ for example, ‘yosemite’, in ‘textbook’ it was only mentioned at the beginning, ‘ww’ wasn’t actually said together but it just works and it’s a PRETTY title.. i could mention more songs but you get my gist. this tracklist is just kind of.. i don’t know because i don’t want to call it ugly but i just don’t like the title names.. im not saying she needs ‘taylor swift’ esque titles but maybe it will make more sense in the album’s context. one very prominent thing about lana has always been her pretty title names, they always had a certain aesthetic to them, and sometimes i can visualize with the track’s name. but these songs? obviously i can visualize like the grandfather song.. but like.. peppers? and taco truck? (i love taco truck i think it’s cute but it’s not a pretty title). i don’t know it’s just my personal opinion. i like pretty song titles, sorry
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