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Taco Truck x VB

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Everything posted by Taco Truck x VB

  1. why were you dragged too you’re innocent !
  2. i just found it. it is probably not since it doesn’t match anyone else’s descriptions
  3. breaking up with me and then maaaking love, just to ma- all i can say is thank god there’s no piano i would have thrown a fit
  4. i am actually so excited for this song - watercolor eyes if that’s even the real name of it if that puta doesn’t change it. i cant get this line scribble off please help i am trying to say that i am excited and i cant wait because bb feels like it was released a lifetime ago oh fuck i accidentally underlined and it won’t let me undo it because i’m on mobile okay it worked this is chaos my EX boyfriend who loved bb is now my ex so i cant listen to that record anymore because he liked it and we used to listen to it together and now all the songs i associate with him! i want new material because i’m a greedy fuck
  5. we reached over 50 members browsing. manifesting a leaker craving attention shares a snippet
  6. watercolor eyes. & the lyrics we have. all we need now is for LFL or floridakilos to drop a snippet and i’m happy.
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