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Everything posted by hotshot2am

  1. Jack Antonoff having writing credit on the pastor interlude is giving me hope that it's nothing too preachy or controversial
  2. The sold Ocean Boulevard was 5:30 long and the version we got was 4:45 so it also wasn't the final version. I just remember Lana saying in the W Magazine interview that Fingertips has orchestral instrumentation and that doesn't seem to match with the snippet, at least the part we are hearing.
  3. The leaked Fingertips snippet likely isn't the final song since it's only 2:17 minutes long and seems to only have sparse piano instrumentals, which doesn't sound like how Lana described it in the letter.
  4. That the story where she wished Judah (her pastor) happy birthday is a hint for the upcoming album.
  5. https://store.lana-del-rey.de It's updated
  6. The cover is perfect but it's her alt cover so I'm now I'm worried that the main one is worse
  7. The way BoZ phrased it seems @sweetie is being intentionally misleading while saying technically the truth
  8. I have no idea The description of pastor and rapper sounds bizarre.
  9. We always have the cover created by @lilac heaven
  10. Insiders not talking about the cover could either mean they don't won't to spoil everything or it's a mess We will know in a couple hours.
  11. I'm not logged into Instagram so it didn't load for me, I thought it was the leaked snippet based on their comment
  12. Remove it again, we aren't allowed to link snippets of released songs.
  13. I remember BoZ saying on ATRL the string version was supposed to be the final version.
  14. Beautiful was supposed to have strings but they didn't finish it in time, I wonder if people would still consider it her worst song from BB if it wasn't piano only.
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