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taco truck

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Everything posted by taco truck

  1. The thing is, I'm not even a piano hater. I like songs like Hope, HIAB, Love Song, Change, White Dress, etc. etc. However, her melodies have been lacking since cotcc for me (which I think is super important when trying to make "stripped down" tracks) and the thing that really scares me is the "barely opening her mouth" part However I am definitely hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Sweet seems like a song she just threw on there for lolz. But knowing Lana it's probably her favorite song on the album and we will be getting it as the next single
  3. I wanna be excited but I cant imagine 6 minutes of bare piano and her "barely opening her mouth" being any good and I like piano
  4. We need some good lfl leaks to pass the time
  5. To be fair she is weirdly crediting samples on the song titles, it doesn't seem like we are actually getting a lot of vocals from other people.
  6. Tbh I know this is an unpopular opinion but if I finally got to go to a Lana concert and didn't hear Born to Die or Ride live, I think I might just off myself I know it is definitely more entertaining for fans who go to multiple concerts, and for people who have been fans since 2012 for her to switch up the setlist more, but I think she has a pretty solid "greatest hits" setlist going on.
  7. If it was just confirmed that we are getting a second single i think lanaboards would be able to collectively calm down
  8. 01. American Whore 02. Taco Truck 03. Paris, Texas 04. Fishtail 05. Let the Light In 06. Grandfather 07. Peppers 08. Margaret 09. Sweet 10. The Grants 11. Tunnel 12. Fingertips 13. Candy Necklace 14. Kintsugi 15. John Batiste Interlude 16. Judah Smith interlude
  9. I wanna say what I consider her “old style” and “new style” old style- imagery was very much at the forefront of the writing, flowery, lots of “beautiful” words, motifs, references, she didn’t sing about many topics other than love/ heartbreak new style- not a lot of imagery and if there is it’s very literal, stream-of-conscious style writing, doesn’t necessarily fit into conventional melodys or song structures, topics are more about her mental struggles, family, and longing to settle down id probably consider her old style more like “poetry turned into music” her new stuff feels more like her singing out of her diary (not necessarily in a bad way but that’s just the vibe I get lol)
  10. Even though I already got hated on today for saying my unpopular opinion ()I do want to say the thing about her change in lyrical style is really interesting to me. While I do prefer her pre-NFR writing style (though I specifically love NFR’s lyrics, I don’t think she will ever recreate or top what she created on that album) the shift in her writing is sooooo crazy to me. It felt like it was very much over the course of NFR-COCC that something just changed and she was all the sudden writing about very different topics than before. I really want to know what caused the shift in her style and how she kind of decided to start writing like that if I was able to ask her a question on insta live I would probably ask that
  11. Also for everyone who wants me to change my name I also would like to change my name since @tacotruck had it first but I literally can’t it says I can only change it once every 100 days
  12. I’m not trying to start drama it’s just a genuine opinion I have for the album😭 I’ve been lurking since NFR/ Chemtrails and I love Lana so much but I should be allowed to want to voice my opinions about my concerns and hear others without being attacked lol
  13. The “automatic singing” she’s been talking about has already been 😬 for me, I don’t love how she’s just adding random trap beats to otherwise regular acoustic guitar/ piano songs and calling it “experimental” and i really hate “karmic lineage” the phrase itself and the way she uses it as a theme in her lyrics is very bland and annoying to me. However I hope I’m proved wrong and this truly is a great album because I love Lana and want to support her and love her music
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