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Everything posted by marryingkind

  1. But even that ā€œalternativeā€ concept. I mean, itā€™s alternative until certain point, you know? Itā€™s alternative but itā€™s still palatable/ā€œsellableā€. itā€™s not like, idk, diamanda galas, you know? (but still, that doesnā€™t means that lana isnā€™t good or that sheā€™s just like, idk, miley cyrus or dula peep. Of course theyā€™re different, but I do think that Lana is like in ther borderline from pop to alternative but still itā€™s commercial)
  2. Exactly! tiktok itā€™s just a more popular tumblr for the 2020ā€™s kids/teens/young adults tumblr did the same thing selling us an artistā€“ thatā€™s how lana (alongside others) got famous. itā€™s shitty how capitalism transforms everything into a product (like, even food that itā€™s a basic human need, that grows for free in trees etc are being sold and you have to pay for it! Pay for something that you need to surviveā€¦ thatā€™s weird af)
  3. Lana is pretty commercial tbh (love her tho) but we shouldnā€™t fall for the narrative that sheā€™s alternative and a underdog bc she is not
  4. itā€™s not tiktokā€™s fault. in the past people would say that the issue is on the radios too bc it shaped and shifted musicā€“ and television too. the issue is the whole music industry and commodification of art like itā€™s just an object to be consumed (like you do with clothes, make-up, food etc) tiktok just shows us that, but itā€™s not ā€œtheirā€ faultā€“ itā€™s just an app that works in the same way that the music *industry* (which is a really important word in here) works. itā€™s sad and fucked up
  5. Yeah but like, it happens surprisingly soon and letā€™s not forget the black beauty, affa, hollywood etc situation Her songs always leak really soon
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