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Everything posted by marryingkind

  1. Unless she’s playing with the signifier and not the signified… our queen is in her George Batailles era. We stan a linguistic/semiotic goddess
  2. Hope that there will be songs that are going to be viral on tiktok so a lot of those annoying stans can be mad that they can’t gatekeep lana (as if she was like an indie french singer from 1920 lol)
  3. It’s bc things are messy. love lana and I honestly don’t care about that– idk why it would be important if she sold a lot in her first week. but, when it comes to promoting something, it seems like their communication is bad/messy.
  4. Yeah but a lot of sites talked about it/fans screenshot the video and posted everywhere to be clear: I’m not saying that she did that. I do believe in her lol but i do think that people will find that KINDA suspicious
  5. Guys if she releases something soon I’ll find kinda suspicious those videos of her saying that someone stole her computer…it will sound like she was saying something a little bit polemic to promote her new song 👀
  6. So far, we had: Lana promoting really early scat attack polemic (the whole computer thing) rumors (fjm) (maybe) snippet The few things that are missing: fake tracklists fake dates to release the album and…?
  7. I know how you feel… it can be fake, but it also can be a really lq version. when I first listened to it, I was kinda “there’s something weird there”. But the male voice at the background reminded me of FJM’s vocals. idk how to feel about it– but i sure liked it
  8. I really cannot understand the lyrics lol but if this is a new song, I’m really happy about it. i miss this lana with a muffled sound
  9. Is she singing at the ending? (The “it’s coming down” part)
  10. Listen to cardigan and willow! i’m not a taylor fan or anything, but I do like (a lot!) some of her songs. willow, wildest dreams and cardigan are really good. Btw, all of these songs are kinda lana-esque
  11. COTCC is her best album. does blue banister have great lyrics? Yes – But in a few songs (text book, blue banisters and ww). Unfortunately, the production isn’t that good. If cotcc had the same deepness (lyrics-wise) as these three songs, people would stan it soooo much more. still, chemtrails is her best. (no hate to NFR, which is the second best)
  12. I like some lyrics froms blue banisters (aka the most recent songs) but the production… not too much. btw, I’m a COTCC stan tbh
  13. Exactly! I’m from Brazil and mostly people got vaccinated. The number of deaths is close to 0 now. Our hospitals are not as full as they were in the past, we see that a lot of people are not dying for covid anymore. The situation here, thanks to our president, was SHIT. Like, people were dying so much that we had to create a lot of graveyards do bury their bodies. Our president said it’s just a little flu and that he would not get vaccinated– than made his vaccination history secret for at least 100 years (i’m not kidding). At least we have a great vaccine culture in here, so people got vaccinated anyway– but still, they love our president (that mocked people who died from this disease) btw: I thought that mostly people knew that no vaccine would work 100%, bc 100% doesn’t exist in science. It reduces the chance of people dying and/or getting serious complications– like the need to use machines that help them breathe
  14. My dad’s immune system completely changed after covid. His doctors told him to be patient bc it takes a while for our organism be strong again! of course it’s better to see a doctor, but both of you can be calm. It takes a while! and, even if it doesn’t get better, be calm! we progressed so much when it comes to science and health (i’m a psychologist) that we know how to make people’s life way better. my gramma has alzheimer, but now we know how to handle it bc we studied about it etc. the same thing goes for your mom. It would be great if she saw someone especialized in breathing exercises that make our lungs stronger, eat healthy, try sports and activities that make our cardiorespiratory system stronger!
  15. It’s pretty hard for me to understand american logic… it’s not about personal choice, it’s about we, as humans, taking vaccines so people don’t die. it’s not about a personal choice like chosing which clothe to wear, it’s about not letting ppl dying bc they cannot breathe
  16. Be patient, sweetheart! it does happens for a lot of people. the best thing is to go see a doctor. I know more than one people that had “post-covid” and were feeling bad for a while, but now they’re great (:
  17. So… only great artists have a lot of leaks just as i thought
  18. I wish i could hear it but the link is broken ): can you post it again?
  19. Does any artist have as many leaks as lana? I’m really curious about that… i’ve been a fan of hers since 2012 and everytime we see things leaking and I dont think that it happens to all artists… do you girls, gays and theys know something about it?
  20. I think that one thing is listening to these songs in case of any leaking. But I do not think it’s right to share it everywhere lol if you wanna listen to it, do it. If you don’t, don’t. In this exact situation idk if I feel comfortable to listen to it, but I do not judge who does that (unless they’re like, sharing those links in every social media or making profit of it)
  21. Shouldn’t we like… pick up all those posts on leaked . cx and send it to her team? one thing is leaking scrapped songs/demos, but it seems like they’re selling things that we shouldn’t hear.
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