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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Invest in medical stocks for back braces $$$$
  2. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I'll contribute to the topic reset umm. Let's all enjoy what stan Twitter and gossip does for us. We've got the whoops. There's the big boobs: And then there's the even bigger milkers. There. A titpost shitpost for the consideration.
  3. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I'll draw the map: nobody came in here and went "Ew, this fat queer person is gonna be on here. Can they not?" It was, to paraphrase, "I don't vibe with their content. I don't care for their music. Their general aesthetic rn just ain't it." Then several people jumped the shark with "Well, all your dislike of them is just *phobia", dismissing criticism AND slapping a very hefty label on people and their opinions, some of which, sure, might be coming from a nasty place, but for others, could be coming from a much more nuanced place. Throwing that out there is going to get people prickly. Then, we have comments then take another leap and introduce the angles of how Sam has (and I DO agree with this part) unfairly been targeted by the media and harassed, and how there's very much some "trans panic" amongst right wing groups in western politics right now. When you take that into context with other statements made that more or less boil down to "shut up and enjoy the music", it starts to beat around the bush and indirectly imply this notion that we should lay off any Sam Smith criticism/dislike/expressing anything negative, solely because of their status/visibility in society and what they've already gone through thus far. I agree that dog piling, especially if it's coming from a place of pure hate, is shitty, but that's also one of the things that comes with the territory of being in the public eye. There's going to be points where the media and GP have an opinion, but just because different kinds of criticism are being lobbed over the fence, does NOT mean that they're all actually just coming from the same mean-spirited or hateful place. To dismiss them all as such, also starts to roundabout say that the *only* possible thing an artist could be critiqued for, is the most visible (and marginalized) parts of themselves, and that kicks off a whole n'other cycle of discourse. Also, clearly I'm a liar, because this didn't last. AND, to bring this back around to keeping it Charli related to a degree, I liked the snippet. *To me*, and looking solely at Sam's singing and vocals - I feel like it's an odd collab. I could see Sam x Adele, or maybe even Ariana or Jessie Ware - Sam seems to lean up against songs that are a lot more ballady, slower, and a little more emotional. Sure Sam's been on some dance tracks and club bops, but that doesn't mean much to me because that doesn't really appear to be their "home base" of sonics. I feel like a pairing with the woman who's got songs admitting her cheating, talking about partying and drugs and going hard - it clashes a bit when Sam's singing songs that downplay or chastise some of those topics or the 'aura' around them. At least, to me. That being said, artists are also allowed to do about-faces. They're allowed to collab and change their minds and shake up their sound. You don't discover new shit without smacking existing shit together and seeing how well it sticks (or doesn't). Charli clearly wanted to work with Sam, they're both teasing the song, so like, happy and excited for them both. I'm not personally a huge Sam Smith Enjoyerâ„¢, however there's a few songs I do like them on, a few song's they've written that I do enjoy as well. I just think it's an odd collab in terms of energy and style. And, when the song is out, and I've given it some good listens, my opinion changes, then I'll eat my words and be left going "Damn, I was unnecessarily critical for no reason. I was an ass." EDIT: I didn't even notice the extra page of discourse after the original comment my bad for keeping the topic rolling. Um. Someone fucking leak Spring Breakers thanks.
  4. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Alright I'll take it there. Sounds like what is trying to be communicated is that it's not kosher to voice any criticism or dislike of any artist (constructive or otherwise) who falls under/into a few minority groups, no matter what. Either positive vibes only or just be silent. They're shielded by their status/group membership. Got it. If you disagree with that assessment, then like, present the terms and conditions with which criticism or dislike IS allowed to be expressed. Idk. I'mma be silent on this note now.
  5. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Mmm I think some of y'all are taking the Sam criticism a little too personally. Him not being liked ain't a direct assault on yourself as an individual, just an FYI. I do like DWAS. One of the rare moments Normani gets recognition too. I also do like "Diamonds and "How Do You Sleep?" as well, although there's a giant bit of hypocrisy there on my part given the song content lmao.
  6. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Now you done gone know me well enough to know I'mma have an opinion on everything because I am WHAT? E.X.H.A.U.S.T.I.N.G. Mother Xbox herself could literally deliver me a hard drive FILLED with ALL her recording sessions, lossless masters, AND a cut of the publishing, as a treat, and I'd suddenly be mad that there's no 8K raw unedited footage of her in the studio recording the vocals. (j/k I'm not THAT ungrateful but I do be having opinions)
  7. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I wanna just say "stan culture", honestly. The amount of times I've seen folks jump right to the *ists and *isms and *phobias whenever their fave, or really just any music artist in general, is panned, is wild. "Yes, the reason why I dislike [insert generic female popstar here] is absolutely, undeniably, 5000% totally because I hate women and am the world's biggest misogynist. Couldn't possibly be because they have flat vocals, or juvenile songwriting, or an experimental sound that's just too out there for me. Couldn't be any scandals they were involved in or leaked text messages that show them directly engaging in seriously bad and problematic behavior. Nope, couldn't be that. Couldn't possibly be any valid artistic criticism or general aesthetic or acoustic preference either; couldn't be that I'm just allergic to ballads written in C minor or whatever. It's totally just gotta be that I hate women and literally nothing else."
  8. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    My therapist @ my many personalities
  9. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    >>Me desperately wishing I was one of these exclusive girls >>Not wanting the pressure of it Duality of man.
  10. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Proselytizing a bit with Charli as the example - for the vinyl girls, gays, and theys - I made a big order of vinyl sleeves for my whole collection; I've been waiting on this company to restock their clear inner sleeves (the ones that the records specifically go in) - they've been OOS for QUITE awhile due to supply chain issues, but they're now back. The clear inner sleeves pair with their dual pocket outer sleeves so you get keep the colored vinyl on display + you never have to actually deal with the jacket. It goes in the first sleeve and you never have to touch it; only the record. Honestly makes storing + displaying a little nicer. Is it extra? Absolutely. But like, POP2 with that plum vinyl up against the silver so sexi. More examples ft. True Romance + POP2: https://imgur.com/a/wLruMHo The site that I ordered it all from: https://vinylstoragesolutions.ca/ They've got some really nice offerings. Sleeves for gatefolds so you can open and close the jacket and it's all protected, different kinds of inner sleeves (not just clear), different kinds of outer sleeves, with various pockets, flaps, tabs, and sizes (for larger or thicker record sleeves - 3LPs, or for 10"s, etc.) This is your non sponsored ad for the day. (I will be spending too much money re-sleeving my whole ass collection )
  11. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    > 2 Minute Song > Repeating Verse the whole way through GO ON TEAM GIVE US NOTHING AURAL MINIMALISM! In all seriousness it's not bad. It's just falling victim to the TikTokificiation of music.
  12. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    In a 2am fever dream I just ordered it so we shall see. The Amazon link says it's an import. I can't remember *where* I read it, but rumor is that since it's coming over from EU, it's not the same glow in the dark pressing but another one? (Possibly a repress of the OG?) YOLO fuck it we ball etc. etc.
  13. AtomicMess


    omg it's projection u rite u rite
  14. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

  15. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Me, yesterday: "Eh, I'm not gonna get the TOTL repress. I need to be smart with money." *gets a promotion and fat raise at work* Me, today: "Okay, fuck. Guess I will buy it!" TOTL Repress: Sold Out. brb killing myself.
  16. AtomicMess


    Deadass feel like there's some stupid fucking CRISPR-gene editing bs going on in the background or some like, "check the embryo for 'defects' before we implant it" shit going on
  17. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Okay actually on further review this glow in the dark is some nonSENSE. https://www.discogs.com/release/16154260-Kim-Petras-Turn-Off-The-Light The original 2lp pressing is so pretty???????????????? We're being robbed.
  18. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Do you want more limits or less though? Personally shit should be limited to 2 per address, period.
  19. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    I saw that too - wondering what is up with that since there's no details?????
  20. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    TOTL Repress. https://store.kimpetras.com/collections/music/products/turn-off-the-light-2lp Although it's glow in the dark....which....usually sounds bad when played due to the compounds needed introducing a lot of surface noise to the disc Also 50$ USD. Which is steep for some.
  21. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I'd personally like to cast a vote for the opposite, to be honest.
  22. AtomicMess


    ....and he couldn't just fuck and pray like a normal person because????
  23. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    THATS WHERE IT'S FROM. I haven't listened to that song in forever. I was sitting here like "Okay, okay I know this one. I know it. I'm 400% sure it's in my library somewhere." As an official "I hate samples" person, I approve this one, because it doesn't sound like shit, and it's from a song that I do like. #HippocriteQueen or w/e
  24. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Same. My schizopilled mother desperately needs them, for *my* sanity.
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