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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    Based on the teaser and beat alone, I thought this would be a...faster song? I guess? I don't hate it, but I don't love it. But I don't hate it.
  2. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Speaking of, miss miss did those nuclear seasons stems/instrumentals that our legend dropped two weeks ago make it into any of your masterposts/archive posts? The OG link is already dead.
  3. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    So......Tilda Swinton?
  4. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I feel like there is some lore here, but I'm afraid to ask. (I'm asking)
  5. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I think the single/video choices were...a choice. Good Ones was honestly good for me, 8/10, and set the theme IMHO (see below re: Demonic/Sexy) but then the rest didn't feel like it matched up to the energy. New Shapes was ok. Baby should have cooked a few more months in the womb if they were sure *that* needed to be a video. I won't dignify "Every Rule" or Flop4U other than this line. Lightning and Yuck had SUCH potential. Sorry if I Hurt You as well. Conclusion: Sabotage. Riggory. Other shit should have been pushed as singles/videos. Eh, she did tweet that "deal with the devil". The thing for me is that it's not just that she's a singer. She's also a powerful songwriter, as we've seen by all of the leaks and demos that have gone to other artists, as well as writing credits. That's a STRONG asset for any label, and if her contract is up and she's looking at renegotiating, any kind of a deal that includes better coin and spotlight on that front is a strong bargaining chip. Conclusion: depends - do we want coin and kickbacks and a budget, at potential cost of artistry, or do we want music and creativity before dollars? Good Ones? Yes. I wanted that whole black widow/vamp/dark vibe. Everything else just kind of melted from there, for me. (Used to Know Me was cute though.) We got sexy in all of the videos, I'll say that, but it wasn't demonic and sexy. Conclusion: It was....sexy-ish.
  6. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    TOTL + TFSN, Choker, Heart to Break - are highlights for me. They're easy, they're club friendly, they're the direction I wish she'd keep/lean into. I don't know what is up with her management/label. It's sonic schizophrenia, truly. You've got a singer, who is trans, who is marketable, who has more mainstream notoriety at this point (re: Unholy) - there's a lot of ingredients for success and to check a lot of industry boxes here, and yet - nothing. I worry that it's possible that she's considered "stale" - we've been trying to manifest a career here for how many years now? Going off her first "proper" single, 2017. It's 2023, and it feels like her shit is still on the runway waiting for takeoff. The Diet Azealia Twitter moments aren't helping at all. If you want to defend or keep working with Luke, just shut up. It costs zero dollars to just shut up. If you're going to do something unpopular, just. shut. up. And, on the flip, if you realize that's an issue, and you want to break free from Luke, at this point, also just shut up - just run everything by your PR team and management regarding the whole topic. Get a second and third opinion. Damage control it before it's out the door. And pick a sonic lane musically and stick in it. Get a cohesive EP together AT LEAST instead of scattered singles that are all over the place. Ugh. Frustrating.
  7. This is what happens when Sky has to cover Ethel's shift at Panera.
  8. This is why I do everything on my Mac, to cut out the windoze virus potential. With a VPN on. And sometimes even open files from within a windows VM, running on the Mac, for extra containment. #ITNerd
  9. fuuuuuuuuck you're right.
  10. shitty take, but like - can someone just make a sky song go viral on tiktok to make capitol force her to release shit? wouldn't that call the bluff? wasn' that Halsey's shit? she was like "they won't let me publish shit until it's tiktok viral". capitol seeing some shit getting traction and be like "oh hey this vault of 2374296 songs you've been slaving over that we just won't let out? ITS TIME NOW" would be a meme. Like, I would think Capitol....idk. If it was a giant record label with no soul, and I was just sitting on a pile of mastered material or almost mastered material, and someone under my thumb was popular, and I was looking to make some $$$ - if the artist didn't own the masters (sorry, Taylor), I'd just fucking put it out and be done with it. Dead artists have material put out all the time. Labels and rights holders just scoop that shit up and go "boop" and there it goes, on streaming and cd and vinyl. If Sky actually has finished shit, and it's ready, and it's waiting, and it's there, and it just needs a proverbial button press from the label, to go out the doors, and we know from several artists that labels now all want viral tiktok snips and clips first for some reason, then just.....get Sky's music viral on tiktok again. Marina had bubblegum bitch do a little dance a few years back. I'm sure we can revive some dead shit from Sky. Or did I just do too much poppers and drink too much dumb bitch juice here?
  11. #BlockedBySkyFerreira2023 incoming rofl.
  12. omg I want a pizza party ty now I know what I'm having for dinner.
  13. me except replace "my label" with "winning the lottery" and "finish the album" with "to be skinny and rich" so I can just buy up all the leaks of [[your fave]] and release them
  14. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Is this her? Maybe I need to get my ears cleaned. It sounds like her. But something also sounds....off???
  15. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Okay yeah there's several files in higher quality than what I got from other trackers/dbree diving. Ty Angel Now I've got go to through the pain of comparing and swapping out what I've got in my iTunes with some of these. (Still trying to manifest "Glow (Demo 2)" in 320k/lossless tho )
  16. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Bless. I'mma compare to what I already have and see if you've got anything in higher quality.
  17. I'm sorry but the fact that we get "Sky Charts & News" from her mother from time to time sends me
  18. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    The way I didn't have all of these in my claws thank you thank you thank you. (also what is this 'how can i" stems pack and where can I get my greedy little chipped painted nails on it?)
  19. That's what I'm wondering. Like, coming from leaky-XCX-pipes-land, there's been cases where we've gotten an early leak of a song where the instrumental was more or less mastered, but the lyrics were straight up NOT - so there was either 40 seconds of dead music in the middle of a track, or just only a chorus on repeat, or Xbox just literally singing gibberish. And then later we get the exact same track leaked, no real change in the instrumentation, but the full and proper lyrics are there, and the song is now like +/- 15-30 seconds in length to match up.
  20. Mmm. Coming in late listening to these Masochism leaks.... some of these don't seem finished, like at all. Curious about how some people are already writing off songs with these 30-45 second gaps in the middle of the track where it's obvious that's where the second verse should be, or 15-20 seconds of nothing where a bridge should fall, or that just sound like an extra loop that was left in and not trimmed back to match the lyrics. Unless of course we're just writing them off based on instrumentation/sound alone, in which case different strokes/different folks.
  21. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    This is not the image I had in my mind when I was talking about my euro inspired fantasy a page or two back.
  22. Honestly with all this talk about SkyPoor and no budget, idk why Capitol just doesn't issue a repress of NTMT. Those resale prices on vinyl - too high. They could be gettin a cut of that dough and I could be getting a copy for not 200$. Maybe they'd make enough profit to buy her a sandwich and fund a rollout of at *least* a single.
  23. Honestly Sky exists in my head in two parts: this song, and 24 Hours. That's it. That's the artist.
  24. Wasn't she just in an article where she was crying she had nothing on her own and was permanently in Britney's shadow despite any and all attempt to be her own person?
  25. Me joining this thread thinking it was all convivial and nice:
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