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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Me coming into this thread today and reading all this back and forth
  2. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    She's what I call a "problems person" - there's always some problem, some drama, some saga, some event, some issue, some tragedy. She's that girl at work that was late on Monday because her car wouldn't start, then late Tuesday because she got into an argument with her boyfriend, then had to leave early Wednesday because her grandmother fell, then Thursday she came back late from lunch because there was an issue with her bank account and she had to spend three hours arguing with the bank teller, then Friday she was late again because she had no hot water. We've all worked retail with that girl. Y'all know her.
  3. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    UTKM is the only one I will defend. The rest I agree with 100%.
  4. Literally the opinion I was looking for coming in here. Halsey leaving removes one less excuse Sky Is Perfect/Sky is the Victim purists can use to inflict psychic damage on me.
  5. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I theme all my parties so the last two were devoid of any Xbox. Next party is all 90s rock/alt/grunge, and the one after that is gonna be a mid-2000s pride party so think like, Queer As Folk style club. Charles will probably end up in the birthday party mix though - my bday, my free-for-all.
  6. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    The amount of ATTITUDE Mega is giving me while trying to download this.
  7. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    XCX world + other unreleaseds are routinely in my party playlists. I would say heads turn, but everyone is so turnt that any beat is a bop.
  8. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I read this backwards as "bounce sessions" and I was about to be on some "y'all just love you some 82957th version of Bounce..."
  9. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Is anyone planning to record/rip the YT stream? I will probably miss it so I need it from someone :((
  10. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    For me a lossless CD rip (44.1khz, stereo, and wav/flac/aif/apple lossless etc.) is the line on "lossless". So that, or anything higher (aka 44.1khz wav, or 48khz wav +, etc. etc.) 256k-320k mp3/mp4 I consider "high quality". 160k-256k mp3/mp4 I consider "mid". Sub 160k mp3/mp4 I consider meh, except on the rare occasion that there will be a 128k file that manages to escape sounding like a compressed tin can, then I'll let it slide as "mid". 128k and less - why am I being sonically tortured like it's 1997. I also shade anyone using variable bit rate anything encodes for audio in 2023. Hard drive space is cheap. We should not be so desperate for space that we're using VBR instead of CBR. Pls.
  11. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    That's a 'DM' me convo cause trying to hash it back and forth in forums would take a beat. Also when we say lossless, do we consider lossless to include CD rips? (44.1khz, wav/flac) or do we consider lossless to mean higher than CD quality (aka studio 'masters' 48khz+, wav/flac)
  12. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    God the first mixtapes could literally have their waveforms printed on paper, ground up in a paste, put in an IV, and injected into my veins, and it'd cure everything, make me skinny, fat cock, luscious hair, the WORKS. They're just so goooood. sis my wig.
  13. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Mmm I think that one is a mistake - I scanned through my 'OG FILES' folder where I dump and pull from, and I don't have anything lossless for Liquor - all mp3/mp4, so I wonder if maybe I accidentally converted one of those by mistake. Usually anything wav/flac etc. I just convert to apple lossless for iTunes, but I leave the OGs in a source folder on another drive. I've got OGs for other lossless songs, but not Liquor so - math is telling me I oopsied. I can still upload it somewhere just in case - I just don't wanna cause a panic and people think it's legit lossless if it isn't.
  14. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Oh god it's so hard. I know a lot of people group things by the eras or the recording sessions songs were made in. A lot of people pin the songs to the album most closely released to the songs' genesis, etc. I personally just....do my own thing. I look at what albums we know the songs are outtakes from, but then I look at how sonically they go together, lyrical quality, production, etc. So in some places, I've got a "B: Side" of the album, but then in others I've just got a lot of my own "albums". Some of it is easy and clear (like the whole 'Sucker Punch' punk concept - all sounds the same, very British Rock, cohesive songs), and then some of it is sheer utter mess (literally 2015-2018/19 lmao oh my god there is JUST. SO. MUCH. SHIT.) Some examples of what I've done. I need to actually redo some of it eventually because I've gotten HQ versions of some of the tracks over time and need to swap out the LQ versions. I've got a lot of my own covers that I either made, or copied from other people and tweaked or cleaned up too. It's been a minute so I have no clue what I did or what I took from someone else and made my own or w/e. Here's a link to Imgur with my screenshots and files: https://imgur.com/a/kQE2UiH Here's also a link with the finished files as well as the .PSDs I used in photoshop for some of them for whomever/whatever: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vF_Hzcu4OY2zynd_J4bm1awJV98qtGt2/view?usp=sharing
  15. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Not @'ing you at all but rather commenting on this line - I honestly hate that aspect of fandom/standom so much. Work cannot exist on it's own, it's GOT to be compared to other artists, and there HAS to be a "this is better" argument. Someone always HAS to *win*. Newsflash to annoying stans - the presence of another artist's work doesn't devalue your fave. I understand that we exist in an "attention economy" now, where everyone and everything attached to media consumption is vying for your attention and deliberately trying to starve out anything else so that you only focus on one thing, but...we don't have to buy into that??? So willingly??? This is art. it means different things at different times of the day, at different times of the week, of the year, of the decade, of our lives. It's going to come in and go out with the tides. Tons of absolutely garbage music hits the top of the charts - quantity of streams/album sales isn't indicative of quality (correlation/causation), tons of absolutely amazing music never sees the light of day, and vice versa on it all. I always look at people who are going hard on "This record is better because...." and start stan wars - I'm just like "are you trying to convince me, or are you trying to convince yourself here?" Superstans who make an artists' success a part of their personality and rank their own position in life relative to others by how well their fave is doing is just....so weird to me.
  16. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Hi, it's me, in my 30s. Bothered. Unmoisturized. Probably not in my lane (but I need new glasses so I can't tell). Struggling. Still thinking it's only like 2014 and I just graduated from college only a few years ago when in fact I've been a corporate slave for almost a decade. Shhhhhh. Time is irrelevant when the music is good.
  17. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Girl it's like the bible. Also I've seen this other spreadsheet before but didn't favorite it. Whoops. (Highkey wishing all variants of 'Glow' showed up there in HQ/lossless one day. A girl can manifest....)
  18. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Meanwhile me, who got a copy of the repress via leaked product eons ago, for a stupid ass markup, because I am just that kind of a person: But also like, Sucker was getting a repress in pink too. Where's she at?
  19. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Fuq I don't think I have them all. Brb scouring links and masterposts. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1cMSYDgOuMfr7dKmmKJv3_-8_8FG9ZtrzvrZn9zk-tTU/htmlview# https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxRISKgJNhag4mwc_HCbzoN_1I31YCRIjFlrw_6ST2o/edit These are the two I know of that are kept up to date. This one's outdated but still around. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1deYpYrP_BMaF4esIXdEnWGDsK7ps0wYkhcPNsmrO3ek/htmlview#
  20. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Give. Give song. Give single. Give leak. Give album. Give. Give song. Give Song.aiff Give. Give. Give. (Cool I just semantic satiated the word 'Give' for myself now it looks fucking weird)
  21. AtomicMess

    Melanie Martinez

    I emitted a sound so high frequency... [Edit] In absolute wtfness, not support (for clarity)
  22. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    See this one sounds a little closer to Kim - the other file is pitched down a smidge when you compare the two.
  23. AtomicMess

    Melanie Martinez

  24. AtomicMess

    Melanie Martinez

    I guess to finish the point here if we're going with a theme about a cycle of life/death/rebirth, then you know, go recycle the topic and pop awff sis or w/e, but I just can't with TV.
  25. AtomicMess

    Melanie Martinez

    ITS. SO. REDUCTIVE. I wish her visual creativity translated to lyrical creativity on this topic because there's still plenty of potential gold to mine out of the "men only want one thing" digsite, but this song is not doing it for me, and she already did the same schtick with Strawberry Shortcake, so like....
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