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Yameena Khatri

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Everything posted by Yameena Khatri

  1. I'd do anything for another Lana × Dan Heath × Emile Haynie project. SMH I feel like she still hasn't utilized / experimented enough with them as much as she did with Jack & Rick.
  2. Is this our first (unofficial / non announcement /blind) snippet since pre NFR?
  3. Manifesting a Thunder moment 🧘🏻‍♀️✨🔮
  4. Yea I don't think the album is coming anytime soon. This could be only the lead single or a random album track. I'd prefer a better album rollout than getting everything at once.
  5. Can't believe we got our first snippet 😭
  6. I agree with the sentiment that artists wanting to change and explore different things. But it's fair for fans to expect their signature sound / visuals which they initially fall in love with to present in their current project even as a tiny fragment. I'd kill to have another Tropico visuals and I'd only shut up if she ever tops that.
  7. Too good to be true. She never addressed why she left social media and I still wonder what's her "other ventures" are.
  8. - Cinnamon Girl - Heroin - Brooklyn Baby I miss the dreamy production. If the record resembles any of her older tracks, these gotta be it.
  9. Her daily streams are crazy. With all the unexpected album tracks randomly going viral every week, I'd rather her take time and keep polishing the album for better.
  10. Hopefully Disco reworked with "I am my only God" title
  11. Off topic, but I have a weird feeling that she might have reworked Disco. 😗
  12. Lana & SS should be the face of summer just like how Mariah is for Christmas.
  13. Why do I feel like twitter is gonna have a full discourse with these pictures? 😑
  14. "Lion's Gate Portal" Lots of stars / astrology references lately. 👀
  15. Watch her scrap everything she has given hints of. 🤭
  16. Ngl I dig the vibe of that song. Very eerie tho.
  17. Does For K pt.2 demo version considered country?
  18. Thinking about how desperate I was for a hint of LDR9. Now I don't wanna hear or psychoanalysis anything until she announce things officially.
  19. I never get the hype around "Americana" but I can tolerate it. But how tf do y'all find country music & its aesthetics appealing? 🤢
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