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honeymoon is alive

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Everything posted by honeymoon is alive

  1. just checked genius and im still on shock. my life has been a lie
  2. it's getting hard to keep up with this thread we're going crazy. anyway lana will post something today let's manifest
  3. i was thinking the exact same thing, maybe they're really into something
  4. why don't u reveal the first letter instead of this puzzle
  5. you literally used the same picture this thursday didn't you?? she's here guys.
  6. waiting for her random instagram posts, it's been some time
  7. this girl is drinking coffee in nevada there's no way she has plans to announce something
  8. lana and deluxe version on the same statement, i don't buy it
  9. maybe they did and lana asked to keep it as a secret
  10. well we asked for the return of fake insiders, here we are
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