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honeymoon is alive

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Everything posted by honeymoon is alive

  1. “a singleness of focus is the key to transmission” i would love a session with tessa
  2. “hey hey, my my”, the entrance song, is the theme song of “sons of anarchy” a tv show about an outlaw motorcycle club
  3. yeah, she absolutely loves that book. if i’m not mistaken she posted about it in 2021 too
  4. i’m not ready for all the stress that is about to come
  5. this was lana at her best literally, can’t wait for the other shows
  6. the setlist isn’t the best but she served vocals, confidence and looks so that’s ok for me
  7. yeah but nothing will be compared to the coachella visibility
  8. no taylor no lasso announcement no let the light in no video games
  9. she didn’t sang video games is that a sick joke people will come for her on tiktok
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