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Everything posted by ethelcain

  1. no i think the people that theyve already posted are going to be IN the magazine but not on the cover like lana is, and i think theres only one physical issue a month so idk i could be wrong
  2. when its the 13th and she comments on interview mag’s post about her ”Oh my! What will be said?”
  3. no they just just have a kink for not doing any research and spreading info they know nothing about
  4. right.. a lot of people already think its coming out on the 14th they would be idiots to not release it 💀 they are idiots but this is just another level of STUPIDITY
  5. im thinking shes just gonna use the boob pic or one we’ve already seen maybe its the other kaiman drawing but the real photo that we dont have yet
  6. is she going to annouce it tho.. or is she just going to post the single cover on honeymoon on release day and caption it “Happy Valentine’s Day. Here’s a gift. 💝”
  7. When jojo comes on and says “I don't appreciate you all speculating about my private life like this.”
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