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Everything posted by Actor

  1. Actor

    Jelena Karleusa

    Nevermind, she's crazy right now
  2. i'm so high right now and this sounds so much different from what it really is, but i love this so much, it reminds me of speed, art, cocaine and dick, it's extravagant and expensive
  3. Thank u so much Elle, and thanks everyone!!! Love u all, love this forum, love Lana so much and u r the best @plastiscguy
  4. Cult Leader 16 AFFA 4 Hollywood 33 Our rules r better
  5. 😅 Cult Leader 13 AFFA 7 Hollywood 33
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_LmEc9RXok/?igsh=MW1pMHZleXVtb3N0 - LANA DEL REY
  7. She's over - as we are, too. This can't be real, after just a few months of dating... This is not good +
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