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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. 49 minutes ago, glitch diva said:

    Y'all really think she signed a major label contract without any legal support? Even if this was the case, she could've legally voided the contract while being a minor.



    i've been saying this but i guess some users here think they are lawyers or something lol but we don't need to rehash this, she's trapped and we're hoping she gets free with her petition and the meetup!

  2. 2 hours ago, Pale Fire said:

    Every time I have tried to listen to something by this girl it has been so bad.. except downhill lullaby whew she came for blood with that song

    but this descending leak…… yall idk what you’re hearing but it isn’t good ! periodt 


    Im going to give her album a listen this week and really try to comprehend what people are hearing… 

    DOWNHILL LULLABY!? :godlaugh2: but everything else has been “so bad” to you yeah lemme just laugh!

  3. listening to the whole album though….this album was crazy because it was really quite a big departure from their sound and full on pop music :toofunny: they never looked back. love them though.

    4 hours ago, Deadly Nightshade said:


    LOVE Marlon

    21 hours ago, sack said:


    i listened to this for the first time tonight and i’m in love :wowcry:

    this song is insane and means so fucking much to me.

  4. 3 hours ago, jamesss said:
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    paradise shouldn’t exist. tropico/ride was filled with cultural appropriation, and the entire era is so problematic. ride isn’t a good song, and i stand by that. the music video is horrible and it’s undertones of indigenous appropriation is so not progressive. im blasting her for that. half the EP is not good. i feel the other half should be in a different EP with other material. 


    i think we as people should judge people by their actions going forward and by their current actions. yes there were problematic aspects of that era but she hasn’t done any of the same stuff going forward (to my knowledge).


    i do respect your opinion though, i struggle with this concept of judging artists by their current actions myself.

  5. 1 minute ago, LunaeManifestum said:

    back in the pop 2 afterparty sessions.

    queen would sniff a bit once in a while behind the dj table.

    i mean we got Drugs.mp3 after all so..


    tbh i can't judge her because i've been there, i just hope she's a safe queen.

  6. 27 minutes ago, KimKaDAB said:

    If she ever releases Masochism and start a new tour what songs beside Everything is Embarrassing do y'all thing she would keep on the setlist


    I think maybe only 24 Hours and I Blame Myself or You're Not The One 

    YNTO for sure. Lost In My Bedroom is insane. she should do One idgaf. we need an updated version lol.

  7. 26 minutes ago, shady said:


    The word 'basic' is thrown a lot nowadays as if it's somehow shameful to be basic. Sky's style isn't basic, it's timeless. If she'd worn interesting pieces back then it would've aged like milk. She had a timeless style combining 90s grunge, thrifted clothes and trendy clothes, knew how to rock it and aged like wine. If I had her wardrobe in 2013-15 I would've been getting a lot of attention and compliments in my hometown, which is not what happens when you dress basic. If she had that edgy alternative tumblr aesthetic with micro bangs, neon hair, round sunglasses with crosses she would be considered ridiculous or as nostalgia trip now, not someone who had a good style. 

    yeah i wasn't going for a shameful tone but i can see how it comes off. apologies.

  8. 8 hours ago, sack said:

    the fact that she got nominated for a grammy is a fucking joke :bye: i can’t wait until the craze for unholy dies down so she can fade into irrelevancy once again

    thank you. Unholy is a bad song......

  9. 1 hour ago, Coloringbooks said:

    I thought you meant it sounds like actual garbage 🗑 at first 


    Throwback to when Sky liked this tweet:



    she's such a very weird hater, it's madness luv....lit rally madness :lmao:


    ot: good morning Sky Boards, subsection of Lana Boards. i am announcing that i'm ready to support Sky without too much shade/being a lowkey hater (there will always be some shade sorry). i did feel wronged by Sky these past few months but only because i feel like she personally failed me by being an ultimate failure (insane i know, never said i was sane). just wish she was more transparent but i don't know the legalities of her contract or whatever so i can't demand that.


    Motorcycle Love Devine and other weird insane members, i forgive you. :wub:


    ps....this isn't a fucking essay, it's a few sentences. did y'all go to any school at all? lol just wondering. :hillary:

    pss....i haven't listened to the leak. i'm a believer in respecting art.

  10. 8 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    I actually do think she has a lovely voice naturally- see:


    This is what annoys me, if she took vocal lessons-she’d have a beautiful tone, realistically the auto tune is not going to age well. At this point who knows if there’s been extensive damage because she’s constantly losing her voice.

    i love that performance. does she smoke? i can’t remember if she did when i was with her last.

  11. 3 minutes ago, blameitonme said:


    she needs to stay off Twitter, it’s not a safe space for her. :oic2: can’t help but say she deserves all this. i’m wondering why she even responded to anything when people are constantly coming at her neck for her actions daily? odd girl

  12. 2 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

    is she really going to care that this leaked like let's be honest, she'll probably just shrug and say "fuck capitol records" under her breath repeatedly as she restocks toilet paper at target

    dafgindpklsgnadskl :air: you're sick

    Just now, 111 said:

    bring back homophobia

    thank you i've BEEN saying this

  13. 34 minutes ago, EXODUS said:

    Sky Ferreira do something before the year ends. 


    (watch her announce a cryptic March thing) 

    :deadbanana: i should've known that a new posting in this thread wouldn't be any kind of news.

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