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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. 33 minutes ago, Greta Bowie said:


    because Sky's situation is nothing of the sort, meaning it's not even a "situation" at all really. it's a sad fabrication that she has allowed her delusional fans to run wild with. :crossed: like she really has her fans making change.org petitions and shit, very weird! :eek:


    the Capitol execs won't be there to see their little "protest"/meet up or whatever the fuck but even if they did "see" it i'm sure they would be confused as all hell and say "now who the hell is Sky Ferreira!?" or something of the like.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

    REPLAY OUT NOW! I thought it was ARCA prod tbh… I’m really excited for this album. There’s a song she had made on her instagram using the decapitator and I can’t see references to it anywhere and I really hope it’s on the album!

    Replay! is so fucking good and Save Me as well. she’ll always be one of my favorite artists, her voice and songwriting is insane.

  3. 2 hours ago, reflection said:


    I feel like if sky did this the album would’ve been out by now. But I don’t think the albums ever been at a point where she felt  she could turn it in as it is and go forward with it

    i don’t think it would’ve been out but i have to give it to RAYE. she was steadily releasing singles in hopes of pleasing the label and also she complained and she got out of her contract. Sky does absolutely nothing all day and expects someone else to free ha. pathetic as fuck. also RAYE > Sky in terms of everything :oic2:. SKY FERREIRA BE TRANSPARENT CHALLENGE.


    also Charli would never show this support to Sky. i think we all know why!! :teehee:

  4. 6 minutes ago, cherrytropico said:

    louis tomlinson. i’m sorry but i just can’t stand his singing voice at all, especially in ballads. all of his songs sound a lil too generic even on his new album. like you can be inspired by indie rock and still add a unique twist to it. i’m officially done trying to enjoy his music because it just ain’t happening :pout:

    i don't think he's talented at all....i also think he's quite hard to look at.

  5. i love(d) her for like a decade and more but the lengths some go to defend her…you’d think she was an ARTIST. meaning you’d think she has several albums or pieces of work out there available for everyone to stream and appreciate. :lmao:like whoa are you not embarrassed by your behavior? 


    anyways hoping for some transparency from kweenie sometime soon so we can put the bullshit to rest. i doubt she signed an NDA or anything of the sort that’s stopping her from speaking out about her situation!!

  6. 5 minutes ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

    free.skyferreira Instagram Story Archive

    November 18 2022


    Apparently they are French so they can't attend, aren't expecting a big turnout, sees the jokes, and is clarifying its more of a meet-up and not a protest.



    the fourth point…. did that actually happen? 

  7. Just now, Veinsineon said:

    I’m gonna scream for admin if y’all don’t quit bickering.




    the girls get so upset at people expressing their frustrations. it's extremely weird. 

  8. 1 minute ago, the ocean said:

    i've been trying to be civil especially since this thread is volatile but i'm ready to just let loose on how this is absolutely fucking stupid

    like... it's so fucking stupid :toofunny:

    her fans are attacking me on her instagram rn. it's hilarious the lengths they go to.

  9. Just now, EmptyPromises said:


    Well what did you expect if you're making fun of them?


    I guess they're just going to plaster the building with Sky pics or something.

    Wish that Sky was transparent -for their sake.

    what did i expect? i didn't expect anything EmptyPromises. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

    does Sky Ferreira even know the amount of lore surrounding her at this point default_tumblr_m5nnuiDCcZ1rwyjj5o1_100.p

    i genuinely cannot believe she's allowing this and encouraging this #FreeSkyFerreira shit. she must like the attention.

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