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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. Just now, jinsouldilf said:
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    okay miss graphic design is my passion :hooker:


    right. love the @111 mention :air:

    someone on the free.skyferreira instagram said that Sky's music is high art.

  2. 6 minutes ago, blameitonme said:

    pov it’s 9:30pm on december 28th 2022, you’re sitting in front of the tv with your family and suddenly the news broadcast cuts to a video of 4 gay men and 3 girls burning down the empty capitol building, fleeing the scene with laptops containing the unreleased 2016 album in tow screaming ‘MASOCHISM IS FREE’ 

    :lmao: i doubt it actually even exists lbr. she said it wasn’t even finished herself.

  3. 11 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

    I really don't want to speak on her anymore but it's so garbage of her to promote this nonsense with her gullible fanbase when she knows she isn't being transparent about her situation - but then again why would she when she knows she wouldn't be able to play the victim anymore?


    I would be on her side 100% if she simply came out and said her crippling anxiety and depression is what has held her back all these years. I don't even know if that's what is going on necessarily but just some acknowledgment of her own mistakes and faults would go such a long way with fans. The Capitol narrative, while undoubtedly a part of the problem, obfuscates her own wrongdoing and she clearly wants to keep it that way. I don't see how she will ever move beyond this at least partially self-imposed purgatory state.

    :gclap: very well said. i don’t really LOVE speaking on her but i feel the need to talk some sense into some people sometimes. like be serious please.

  4. 8 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Can she even afford at this point? She’s made two Netflix films that might even be scrapped as of this year.

    I doubt she makes anything more than to keep her flat

    can she afford to stop acting like a victim and get a lawyer/legal help to actually perhaps leave Capitol? yes. there are options out there. she would rather act like a tortured artist though. i'm sure she gets off on this stuff.

  5. 8 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    I mean even if we take it from your POV-surely this works in your viewpoint favour because if sky does nothing to acknowledge  it-it just shows to them the protest was meaningless. I mean if they have the time so be it.


    i want her to actually do something like.......hire a lawyer. do something with your career instead of acting like she's a victim of big bad Capitol. she is not.  

  6. 21 minutes ago, For K said:

    The last paragraph is giving "sorry you didn't get your tickets, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ " 

    literally. she doesn't care and i don't blame her honestly. :godlaugh2:

  7. imagine going to protest the release of a woman from a recording contract. imagine doing that. she needs to hire a lawyer. she is not in a conservatorship. she can do anything she wants. i think it's extremely corny and pathetic that they're actually doing a protest/meetup/whatever.

  8. 23 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Ok keep it calm, just enjoy the jokes-we already know she has some some interesting issues….I don’t see a problem with the protest now that I’ve read into it-they plan to do an actual one in the summer-they’re just putting up banners on the building apparently because they’ll be a lack of staff 

    please don't tell me to be calm. i'm speaking my mind and i don't see the issue. :air: i do think she's pathetic and they are pathetic. this is very much a non-issue. like it literally doesn't matter at all. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    This is pathetic. 

    you can say that again. Sky Ferreira is such a pathetic person for even half encouraging that free Sky Ferreira shit.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Venus Fly Trap said:

    She's releasing Masochism next year, NTMT's 10th birthday : )


    right, right. so we're just saying stuff for shits and giggles.....

  11. 9 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    you right now:

    yeah sorry taylor but it's a little funny seeing the "mastermind" plan show its flaws right now :ma:

    literally. i honestly and truly do feel bad for the people that didn't get tickets but......life does go on. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, For K said:

    Did y'all see the tweet from ticketmaster?


    "Insufficient remaining ticket inventory" I wonder how many of the tickets they sold during presale and how many are left.... ooooo this is gonna be bad 

    imo Taylor SHOULD definitely say SOMETHING. i know them diehard Swiffers are raging mad rn. :toofunny:

  13. 22 minutes ago, evanislurking said:

    Has Sky also ever considered that being a 1-album artist is actually not a bad thing either? Plenty of artists were able to build lasting legacies on ONE album and Sky could easily continue into acting, modeling, releasing singles and EPs, and collaborating with other artists. None of that would take away from how solid NTMT is and in my opinion it has enough strength to stand on its own. Why not focus on capitalizing on an iconic cult album? If Capitol wants to make money off her without allowing the proper release of Masochism, they should absolutely re-issue NTMT on CD, vinyl, limited run cassette, etc. Deluxe edition with Pretty Dull, Guardian, etc etc. It probably wouldn’t chart too high on Billboard but I’m sure they’d be able to move around 7,500 units of it on vinyl per year given its cult status. I know she’s tried for that in the past and it didn’t happen. I just hope after all this time that Masochism hasn’t affected Sky’s quality of life because if I had something hanging over my head for 9 years I’d lose my mind 

    the fact of the matter, Evan, is that she has done absolutely nothing except moan about mistreatment from Capitol for all these years. she could’ve hired a lawyer or sought out other help through her many resources. she’s not a struggling young woman. she is to blame for most of this. i’ll allow being mad that Capitol may be blocking releases (where is the proof of this btw? lol) but for her to sit on her ass for 10+ years is definitely…..something!

  14. Sky Ferreira DO something challenge. get off your lazy ass and say something. we don’t care about the video. we are begging for transparency. i don’t wanna hear shit about the FreeSkyFerreira scam.

  15. 8 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    i don't necessarily have a problem with the 5,000 remixes because it's blocking a person who is doing a lot more harm from being #1

    however the ticketmaster thing is a bit of a different story and i think her not acknowledging it is just a bit insensitive and i'm not saying that because people are getting tickets but more because of the random price switches and the long queues and some people getting charged despite not even getting tickets - like it's one thing to whine about not getting a ticket because you weren't quick enough but it's a completely different thing to whine about you getting charged for something you don't even have or the actual price being changed from the listed price taylor originally mentioned in the announcement

    what are two black men doing that causing more harm than Taylor Swift? :toofunny:

  16. Just now, brandon said:

    ope- :creep:  i don’t have a problem with it per say, especially because she’ll just be blocking drake, another huge artist (who happens to be friends with scooter iirc)


    and tbh i think the lack of a statement about the ticketmaster thing is funny, the amount of people i see acting like not getting tickets is a traumatizing event is crazy


    like her stans have gotta realize that at the end of the day, she is a business selling product, not their bestie. and that product happens to be in HUGE demand, with little supply in comparison. 

    i agree with you partly. i think it's weird for her to go out of her way to not only block Drake but also 21 Savage. so she's blocking two black men from getting a number one......interesting.


    i agree with you on the part about her fans. it's not a traumatizing event at ALL, you'll be fine, your life WILL go on. grow up!

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