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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. Just now, EmptyPromises said:


    I half agree and half dont. its all basic shit (that i also love) but i think that she "sells it" so to speak.

    Maybe its just me being old but seeing it come and go as a trend you can always see when the grunge/punk stuff is wearing someone versus the other way around.

    agreed and let me give her some credit, she sells it really well. grunge is forever to me though.

  2. 4 minutes ago, KimKaDAB said:

    It honestly amazes me how Sky manage to stay consistent on her style after 10 years, and it didn't even got dated


    Maybe her career is just a fashion experiment of how things go in the course of decades 

    okay let's be real....her "style" is just basic as all hell. it's not like she wears intricate pieces or anything. she wears a leather or denim jacket and a black dress with Doc Marten's and gets away with it and gets called iconic. anybody can wear that.


    this is not a hateful comment by the way. i love that "style" and wear a lot of basic shit myself.

  3. 1 hour ago, Surf Noir said:


    i feel like we should normalize not driving/not have your license/not wanting to drive, i'm an adult but i don't know how to drive yet, but it's not my top priority, i can get by easily without driving my own car, and honestly, driving sounds kinda scary :bebe: i'd be so worried that i would get into an accident

    we should definitely normalize that. i fucking despise traffic. i used to sit in rush hour wanting to kms lol.

  4. 23 hours ago, the ocean said:

    i'm going to keep my words brief because they're not gonna do much but i don't really understand why this time is SO bad when this happens everyday

    every single fucking day, probably multiple times a day

    either a black person is killed, or a trans person is killed, or a black trans person is killed, or a disabled person is killed, in a space where they feel comfortable because the perpetrator felt like they "had to do something" or were "afraid for their lives" despite the person who is now dead minding their complete business

    idk it's hard to feel truly devastated when this happens every single day and it's barely talked about

    and this is not me trying to downplay the people who died and how devastating this truly is, it's absolutely horrible & i hope those who died are given justice and are remembered for being themselves rather than as someone who died that day, but we should be doing more than this

    edit: i probably phrased parts of this clumsily but it's just such a tired subject, i'm tired of having to talk about this and yet it absolutely still needs to be said, regardless of whether it's phrased eloquently or clumsily


  5. Lana and other celebrities are not a hazard to the environment nor are they truly contributing to climate change/destruction. the United States military is one of the largest polluters on Earth. look it up. that’s why i have to laugh at people getting angry with celebrities and calling them out. Taylor and Kylie are not a REAL problem.

  6. 7 minutes ago, KimKaDAB said:

    They literally only post once every 3 months😭


    and the only time I saw them shading Halsey was back when she was crying on TikTok and lowkey deserved to be laughed at idc she has such an ugly crying face

    because why are you as an updates account, who acts like the face/voice of Sky Ferreira on Twitter, because Sky deleted her account, being nasty and shady towards another artist? it’s simply unbecoming petty gay behavior. they had Halsey fans being shady in turn to Sky and now there are people praying for Sky’s downfall (not that she needs any help with that! :toofunny:)


    you saying someone crying deserved to be laughed at because they had an ugly crying face……? :biblio: 

  7. 14 minutes ago, jinsouldilf said:

    imagine finding out that you've been getting called "meh looking" by lanaboards members over your sky ferreira instagram account

    dhsjjsjdjdjd i don’t even know what they look like. i’m laughing hard as hell though. :lmao:

  8. 11 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    i support SkyFUpdates because someone has to keep track of what she does while everyone else argues and "protests" and gets actual lives

    i don’t support them because i truly believe they are a nasty unprofessional gay man. :noparty: if you’re a woman i’m sorry but you seem like a miserable shady gay man! they started shading Halsey out of nowhere and then all of Halsey’s fans started dragging Sky.

  9. 7 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

    she is never coming and that's probably for the best true.gif


    as I've said before I wish her peace, love and light in this life but she immediately needs to stop pretending new music is coming and ask FreeSkyFerreira and SkyFUpdates to retire


    especially that nasty ass SkyFUpdates account, unprofessional sack of shit! i know they be bored as hell.

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