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Everything posted by imaginist

  1. Ugh I just want the new music so bad. I basically had to stop taking my anxiety/depression meds due to unfortunate circumstances and I can already feel myself slipping 😭 I need queen mother to lift me up
  2. Their phone was at 2% when they were sharing all this + the convo with us, so their phone probably died and could maybe upload pics later
  3. Hi Ella! tbh Target doesn’t give af about you and they never will. Take the vinyl. This is your chance. All the power in the world that you’ve always wanted…this is it. take it…. Don’t you want a legacy?
  4. Uh as far as I’m aware, this has turned into a LDR9 Leaks thread days ago and the topic changes every 20 mins. It’ll be ok 😂
  5. Miley hasn’t even had a good single since the one Disney wrote for her or whatever lol, something about mountains
  6. BoZ makes me cringe at this point. He shouldn’t tease anything about Lana unless she’s gonna announce whatever surprise it is a few hours after he says anything
  7. The only time I would never be able to defend our queen is if she made that an album title...that's just ridiculous lmao
  8. Sorry y'all but I'm not giving up on midnight tonight EST. Even if it's just an IG post about something irrelevant lol
  9. It honestly could just be a new single and BoZ is hyping it up more than he normally would because he's bored and wants attention lol
  10. Ok tru tru, roight but maybe at most it'd be like a Chemtrails 2.0-inspired album lol
  11. What if it's the country album? Remember when she randomly posted on her story "I hope you guys like country music" ??
  12. Not only is she gonna perform on SNL, she's hosting it. Biggest comeback of the century
  13. What if in reality instead of forgetting about or scrapping the covers + country album(s), that's what she's releasing soon lol. Hence why when she deactivated her main accounts she said she was focusing on multiple projects, and maybe now she's all finished and that's why she's been a lot more active on social media again
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