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Everything posted by imaginist

  1. Omg you guys are the best thank you 😭🤍 I ordered it!!
  2. I’m so late on this merch stuff, is the blue jacket gonna be back in stock at some point? 🥺
  3. I refuse to listen to the leaks, but I gotta know: is Rockefeller my umbrellar still a mystery?
  4. Idk if this was mentioned already but I had a brain blast and I wonder if Lana did this intentionally: We all know part 2 of A&W is very much giving Lizzy Grant/BTD energy, and when the song starts to transition, all the vocals sound reversed and there’s also some effects that sound like it’s a VHS tape rewinding or something so it’s like she’s literally time traveling back to her old style. And that also makes me wonder if the narrative of this story is actually taking place in present-day Lana’s life or if she’s just reflecting on her Lizzy Grant days or maybe I’m just dumb LOL
  5. I come here just to see if there’s any tea about a music video but all I see are kindergartners struggling to count to 10 lmao are y’all good??? Let’s just call her projects by their names instead of numbers
  6. I’m too lazy to read the previous posts here and I’m at work but I just saw a tiktok of Lana at the event last night saying she’s announcing something on the 7th of this month. Username is emily_730. Idk if anyone shared it on here yet
  7. imaginist

    Taylor Swift

    A 98 on Metacritic right now....you can't be serious lol
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