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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php you can do your birth chart here!!!
  2. wow so it's confirmed! i posted this already in the CN visualiser thread, but i do think this is super interesting given the Natalie Wood inspired cover art too. like Lana wants to bring attention to both of these ladies' unsolved deaths/murders, very on theme with "Don't forget me"...
  3. stealing this idea from @The Siren <3 1. solid top tracks : Candy Necklace, Sweet, Let The Light In, Ocean Blvd, Fingertips 2. amazing songs that just missed my top favs: Kintsugi, Paris TX, The Grants 3. good songs but not ones i seek out as much: Grandfather, A&W, Taco Truck(pt I) 4.- no thank you: Margaret, Fishtail, Peppers, x VB ---- im not saying these are bad (except margarita she rly sucks actually), but rly not my jazz & i need to be in a v specific mood for them. &Interludes(I get the point but one or two listens each is more than enough) no one come for me the songs in the first 2 tiers are genuinely all 8.5-10s for me
  4. i think youre getting way too hung up on judah smith himself/his church or whatever- i could care less about the guy lmao, what is interesting to me is what is said & Lana's choice to include it right after A&W...like that says a lot. & i think thats where the feminist standpoint could easily come in. like no one is saying *he's* a feminist or anti capitalist, they're saying Lana's artistic choice can be interpreted that way but anyways, it's not black or white, its obv nuanced & i get the people who appreciate it less too
  5. bahaha i went over to reddit to see what’s going on after reading the last few pages of this thread n came across this comment: “It amuses me that Lana fans will lap up song after song replete with edgy references to praying, preaching, heaven, hell, God, the Bible, judgement, sin, and Jesus...But she puts a track with an actual Bible-quoting pastor in it, and they all run to the toilet” #spilled n then they continued with “It's not just ‘a jackass in church’ - it's a guy begging God to help him love the people and things he already has in life instead of selfishly chasing after more money, power, and sex. What could be more feminist and anti-capitalist than that? What could be more honest and RAW? If fans can't hear that, they're not listening” which is an interesting take/interpretation on it ngl. Love that
  6. of course ! i thought it would be some fun for the release <3 and yours is so cute... you are def handmade beauty babes
  7. i think its quite alright, staticky here & there for a sec but overall good imo!! but fyi, take that w a grain of salt cause i have a pretty basic lenco player, no external speakers n am not super fussy about vinyl. there are WEIRD ASS crackles/pops right after Sweet ends going into A&W, but like... it stops before the music even starts so i'm unbothered oh & another fyi this is just based on the first disc (side a&b) i haven't listened to the other yet <<33 just cuz im lasy asf.
  8. honestly i liked it but never thought it would look *this* good, especially after seeing how the amazon n indie ones turned out color wise... i was scared! but i am eating CROW because she is beyond stunning
  9. OMG how pretty it looks with the sunlight tho if u luv pink, buy this!!!!!
  10. btw if u wanna post the pics in the size i have them u just gotta resize them to 300 (width) & then check the box 2 keep the ratio !!
  11. a lyric to go with each sign sun/moon/rising in advance, i am sincerely sorry if you wind up with a song/lyric you don't like lol but it's just for fun! it's not that deep, i obviously tried to match the lyrics with the signs vibes but i'm def not an astrologist !! anyways post your 3 if you want !! <3 mine <3
  12. holy.... this variant is SO gorgeous <<333 i was so sad the amazon one turned out purple but this is HAWT PINK I'm in love <<333 ppl r right in saying the pics dont do it justice tho.
  13. blue hydrangea, cold cash divine, cashmere cologne n white sunshine & pass me my vape, im feelin sick, i need to take a puff at the same time she contains multitudes ! so excited tho <<33
  14. if so, it would tie in so well w the natalie wood inspired album art ! maybe there is an intentional theme of paying homage/bringing attention to some of Hollywoods most infamous unsolved deaths/murders? "dont forget me...." hmmmmmmmmm
  15. The f'*cking vape lmfaoooo but wow, she looks gorgeous like an old hollywood starlet
  16. jimmy if u leave the house find me in the club, don't b acting like im the kinda girl who can sleep
  17. THE PINK ONE TYSM 💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀💗💗💗💗💗💗
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