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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. my amazon (germany) pink vinyl still says arriving march 10th i didn’t get an email about date change or anything either like some people did The mess
  2. its gonna be her All I Really Want To Do by Bob Dylan serve, nothing but good vibes and rhymes
  3. my delulu bored ass made up Rockefeller, my umbrella, God I love you babyyyyy Storyteller, stormy weather in the eye we’ll stayyyyy (Religion callback ) but low-key umbrella and stormy weather go together i may be onto something
  4. i did a super shitty insanely brief take on it here but i will totally do a deep dive when i have time, why not
  5. made my bf do it too he saw Paris, Texas first .. our joint slay also is Candy Necklace on here? cause i actually played it like a crossword 😭 and can’t find it ong dhxjchs
  6. angry lyrics, a slutty trap beat & 7 minutes all coming together to make the hit that is A&W (which will def be out tomorrow)
  7. the way she’s already done it a 2nd time if you count the song bday drop & the billboard/IG post about it as two separate things but yeah, Valentine’s day would be lovely.. literally
  8. imagine she drops Sweet as the 2nd single on Valentines Day or sth .. that would be so cute even tho its a Tuesday which is random
  9. what if she drops something tomorrow it’s Friday and the anniversary of Sean’s wedding weekend
  10. I work in retail, not in a store like Target or anything to do with music, it’s a lingerie store HDJSJDJ the slay but anyways- basically we do get new collections in advance, sometimes a few weeks even & each time new products from a new collection come in the box(es) there’s also paperwork with all the info, it’ll say something like “Display starting March 10th 2023” and we’ll keep it locked in our storage room until then. So yeah it is technically possible but if an employee did that they could get in some shit. We are really strict with that kind of stuff at my store anyway, I hope the places that receive her physical copies early will be too!
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