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Everything posted by nectarofthegodss

  1. Having an opinion doesn't equal straight up bashing an artist and calling them lazy and a flop just because you don't like a song, the negativity like that spread here in the end ruins the prerelease album hype since it's still not out yet and the thread becomes much more hostile and boring, so have that in mind.
  2. I see your point, but from what we know so far Ocean Blvd does seem somewhat cohesive (to me, tho I may be wrong), especially with the singles we got so far which outside the fandom were acclaimed very well, even excellent to say. This album will have some more of "pop/bop" songs, having in mind the last three on the tracklist, but so did NFR with Doin' Time, and the overall themes in this one seem pretty cohesive so in the end it could go both ways, I could picture it being well received by the critics, A&W was the best new track on pitchfork which is a good indicator even with it non-standard song structure. But we'll see, I do hope it gets a great reaction and manages to pave the way for some future accolades of hers.
  3. Yeah if she ever releases an unreleased album I just hope that Fine China and I Talk To Jesus make the cut cause those two songs are absolute GEMS!
  4. Also the White Mustang MV is visually very good and the storyline of it, when paired with the song it was originally intended to (TNBAR), is excellent! He really does a great job so I hope this does come true
  5. He mentioned something about the features not being what we think they'll be, but I don't know if that was implied on Peppers
  6. I wonder if The Grants was supposed to be the single when the album released but it did get delayed, so was it additionaly added and we'll get a new single on the new release date
  7. I think Taco Truck and Peppers are on point but A&W may be like Venice Bitch and Fishtail like Cinnamon Girl
  8. It's gorgeous in my opinion too, that's why a found it odd that some didn't like it in the first place
  9. The user score on albumoftheyear. org is already stable at 89 which is a very good sign, dunno about the critics but aoty. org is usally a good incidator on how the album and songs will perform
  10. Well that's the point, it's good in The Grants dunno what's the sudden hate if one take songs and raw vocals but it could be just me
  11. Are we srsly ranting about vocal mixing of the song? I swear some of her fans nitpick the most random things in her songs to then end up not liking them lmao
  12. I'm not a native english speaker so can somebody explain what does a C&D letter mean and why did he deactivate his account?
  13. We've known for a long time that Lana is not a single artist, rather she is more of an album artist. So in the end what she picks for a single won't matter that much, look at Dealer (to name the most recent) it never was a single yet pulled the most numbers on BB. The album as a whole is what matters, what she picks as a single is not much to stress on.
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