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Everything posted by terrenceszyou

  1. Thank you! I agrre with you! I remember how everyone had their bellies full just from Born to Die and Ultraviolence. Nobody knew what was yet to come. That's why I still have a lot of expectations about her art. She told W Interview: "At the end of every album, I say goodbye and thank you—very Old Hollywood style—and yet I cannot help but just continue to write". If she retired now, she would have done enough, but as long as she's here, so will I.
  2. I feel that Lana's music will become more and more meaningful as time goes by. I know she has this concern about being forgotten, but she definitely won't be. Just see the new generation discovering all of her discography so far. Later generations will also rediscover it, so it goes... And, along with the changes and general contexts of the world, each album will be able to have a new meaning and become even more valuable. Remember when BTD on its release was just considered "bad influence music for young girls" and is now recognized as the most influential pop album in the music industry in that decade? It makes me think, "What about Blue Banisters? What about Chemtrails? Btw, what about Did... Ocean Blvd? What about everything we're seeing firsthand today?" Guys, ten years is a long time! We're already experiencing the longevity of Lana's work now. She has songs from 10 years ago going viral on modern social media. What will become of Lana Del Rey? Everything but an abandoned tunnel. Hello guys. I'm new to the site. Hope it's fun.
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